I’m editing a map. I want to add more than 15 unique technologies to a Castle, but I don’t know how to show the “Next Page” button and a second pago of technologies, like the Dock or the Builder. How can I do this? Thanks
The scenario editor and the game’s interface doesn’t allow for direct customization of the UI elements like adding buttons from one tab to another. The arrow button you see in the builder/dock tab is part of the game’s hardcoded interface; and unfortunately, it can’t be moved or duplicated to other tabs like the castle tab.
However, depending on what you are trying to do, you could do something similar using the scenario editor’s triggers and conditions to simulate the effect of switching pages or tabs. This would involve creating custom units or buildings that act as buttons and using triggers to change the available technologies or units based on player interactions (i.e. selecting a Market or moving a unit to a location would then trigger a change in a variable which you could check and then use to modify what technologies are displayed in the castle).
The only other option to do what you are describing is to create your own custom mod to customize the UI to include new buttons or modify existing ones etc.
An easier way to go about this is to download an existing mod like
These mods combine several UI enhancements/improvements that might include features that allow for additional buttons or improved navigation, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
At the very least, when you subscribe to the mod, it is downloaded to your computer, and you can view the files in your file explorer to get an idea of how a mod should be structured and utilized for your own purposes.
Crack. Thank you for your masterful and elaborate response. Sounds just a little bit too much for my problem, I just did a second building, the beautiful Pagan Sanctuary, dedicated exclusively to techs. I didn’t know until recently the Ragnar Lodbrok’s scenario, with a Pagan Sanctuary which does exactly that. I’ll definitely check those mods anyway, friend. Thank you again.
Have you tryied giving your techs train button value of 21 to 35 ? Actually Cannon Galleon is on Train Button 23, putting it directly on the second page of the dock.
If this doesn’t work… Why not changing the standing graphic of the dock to a castle, changing terrain restriction to be as the castle, and unitX/Y/Z as the castle ?
Or maybe do that on the Harbour so you keep the port.
Maybe you can also try “transforming” your castle to another building, to which you once more give the game graphics parameters, but with differents tech available. Not sure if you can transform a building to another (wirh Ratha like unit trait) but it’s worth the try.
Those ideas can be done within the editor, without any dataset alteration, but I can’t guarantee they will work. Try it and let us know.
I have made a few scenarios using this: Huskarls in space 1, berserkers in 21 and axe throwers at 24. Same for techs. This is the answer OP is looking for.