El dorado nerf required?

except again, you IGNORE the fact that the data you are looking at literally says " * Patch: 43210" which is not the CURRENT PATCH. IE, this data is from BEFORE Obsidian Arrows was nerfed.
you are using OLD INFORMATION to warrant a nerf, that’s just terrible logic.
whats your favorite civ? what if they were op 3 months ago and got nerfed and i said “well 3 months ago they were op so we should nerf them”. that’s literally what you’re doing right now.

false. currently fully upgraded huskarls do 12 damage base + 4 from blacksmith + 3 bonus damage to eagles, for a total of 19, or 16 after armor upgrades. that means it takes 7 hits for them to kill an eagle.
after nerfing it to 30 total health, eagles would have 90 health and 6 hits to kill instead, so it absolutely does impact how they fair vs goths.

which again still makes them worse vs goths, a matchup where they definitely don’t need nerfs, and makes them better vs cavalry units.

except why are you proposing nerfs when we don’t even know what the most recent nerfs did to them yet?

Dude, I believed the stats were from the last patch. That’s not a “terrible logic”, that’s just an honest mistake. Let’s wait the datas, then.
At least I’m trying to give proofs of what I’m saying, not enough people do that.


except i literally corrected you on this half a day ago, so why continue to use it? that’s not an honest mistake if you continue using outdated information after being told its outdated.

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Because I didn’t see ? A lot of answers were made in short time.

El Dorado is broken the way it is and needs to be nerfed. A 67% HP boost for any unit is just stupid. It makes Elite Eagles cost effective against pretty much everything except Champions (and some specific UUs). +30 HP would still be insanely strong (and honestly still too strong).

It’s also not so much about the state of Mayans. If Mayans were too weak after an El Dorado nerf (which I highly doubt!), give them another buff. But El Dorado is way too cost effective. It’s only not that dominant because a lot of games don’t get to the point where it is researched.


and what answer do you propose to give Mayans to goths? they already struggle in the matchup as is, and this will make them even weaker.

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A suggestion was made to give them champions.

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that would help but now you’re really blurring the lines on all the meso civs.

Still, even at the present time mayans have no real answers to goths. Your best best is just to overwhelm them thanks to superior eco, but it gets to late game goth spam mayans are dead, regardless of el dorado giving 30 or 40 hp. I think mayans need something to deal with goths, regardles of whether el dorado is nerfed or not.

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what a lazy one TBH

Mayan Eagles have the distinction of El Dorado, left them as they are please.

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Well, a completely broken tech is certainly not the right way to “fix” a bad matchup.
While we’re at it though: Mayans vs Goths isn’t that bad except for the very late game. Early game Mayans even have an advantage. I think you’re making the problem bigger than it actually is.

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Basically once they can start making huskarls it snowballs into goths favor. its so bad that even in recent tournaments we saw people who were choosing mayans ban goths. food for thought. its also mayans worst matchup at the highest skill level on ladder. more food for thought.


I wrote a topic long time ago about eagles in general, and i said in my topic that the eagles have a ridicilous cheap cost especially the food (20f, 50g). I think they should increase the eagles food cost, becasue 20f, 50g is a very cheap cost for a unit that it is actually 3in1 combination (infantry, raiding unit, Anti-archers) rather than that it is very hard to kill with their speed and easy to mass. I think at least eagle food cost should be 30 or 35 at least

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Just to point it out, but a 3% increase in win rate may just means that a lot of people wanted to try the new UT.

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They have already been heavily nerfed, 4 times. Nerf Mayans even more and they will just drop out of Meta, completely, and then people will just complain about another civ, because games cannot be perfectly balanced, and balance cannot account for human error.

It also means that the new winrate is more accurate, since more people plays it.

You cannot know that. Yet. Furthermore, I didn’t ask for a Mayan’s nerf. I asked for a El Dorado’s nerf. If they get too weak, they can get buffed on something else.


It’s not how it works…

More people that play just one civs may bring inflated results, because it’s a randomized and balanced sample.

For a perfect civ win rate, only random games should be taking into account.

right now all the win rates are inaccurate because they aren’t updated for the new patch.

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True, but I think the precision is good enough without it.
I would love aoestats.io to have more filter options though.


Yes, but good enough isn’t scientifically correct.