European rework

So how about a big update that contains new architecture textures for each European civilization so that none of them look alike, also adding new skins to each unit, I know it sounds difficult but it would be great to see a unique musketeer and a unique hussar for each civ , add a metropolis card to replace the crossbowman for the rest of the civs, and if possible I was thinking about the possibility of adding a metropolis card to get a university cart, similar to the fortress carts

This rework would be beneficial since the next dlc would have completely different civilizations, so adding postcolonial civilizations would no longer be a big visual problem and this is also good since personally I prefer to see Westernized civilizations rather than having civilizations from completely unknown regions like Oceania


Set up customizable architecture and make it modding friendly!


Siii, ya basta de civilizaciones que a nadie le importan, que hagan skins diferentes para cada mosquetero, escaramuzador, hĂşsares y dragones



I’d love to see toggleable architecture (texture) sets for Euros and Post-Colonials, even if available as a paid aesthetics pack. It would be rather awesome to be switch from the more European regional textures to colonial varieties.

As for anything else Euro-focused after the DLC - I’d much rather we do get some more obscure civs :grin:


basado , prefiero gastar mi dinero en una actualizacion europea que gastarlo en un dlc con civs que nunca jugare o que seran tan diferentes que nadie los querra usar , no entiendo por que la comunidad intenta negarlo

Different people wants different things


main character syndrome


Please guys, everyone here knows that if a civilization is so different then the community will end up hating it, these are just facts

So it is best to lean towards Western civilizations such as European ones or Westernized ones such as postcolonial ones.

“everyone agrees with me” is a hot take


At some point you just gotta start being the change you want to see.

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Even if that was the best policy (hint - it’s not), as been mentioned before, we have the last of the influential/powerful Euros coming up at the end of the year. If we lean towards Western civs anymore we’re just going to fall over as there’s no other Euro big player to stop our fall :wink:.

As for post-colonials - these work far better as singular civ expansions. They are a lot of fun, but are divisive (especially on here) and a DLC pack full of them will just bring out a torch and pitchfork mob yelling “No more re-used Euro buildings!”

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I already know the problem of adding European civs, there is no longer an important European civilization to add, so I talked about postcolonial civs and I also know what the problem is with adding these civs to the game , that’s why I made this post, but it seems that many people don’t read it, for that reason I proposed a complete rework for Europe so that there are no civilizations with identical buildings or units

Colud be interesting that all europeans have different churches, including Spain and Malta.


Va a salir el dlc, van a jugar dos semanas con polonia y después todos van a volver a las civilizaciones clásicas. Además, no entiendo porque los europeos tienen que compartir unidades cuando el resto de civilizaciones no comparten casi ninguna unidad.

Unique musketeers and unique hussars would make the game so unreadable. The insane amount of different units already leans into that as it is.

Folks, european armies weren’t that different from each other. Wanting every single last unit to have unique skins for each civ is just some bizarre european exceptionalism nonsense.


I like some ideas like the university and the unique appearance for each civilization, but saying that we should rule out other themes like DLC is practically saying that the next DLC should be the last.

You are partly right about unpopular civilizations, but it is still good to add variety to the game, plus large DLCs usually bring new maps and natives, so we can’t just focus on the civilizations.


exacto!! solo estoy pidiendo un cambio visual para esas civs que todos usan y para que parezcan nuevas

Okay, but what about the buildings? Not all of them were the same and we must not forget the old important regiments that could be metropolis cards.

I think Asian and Native American civs are in a much bigger need of a rework, or if not them, African and postcolonial civs, since people complain they have too many options.


Yeah new bsets I don’t mind, probs needed given the sheer number of Euro civs ingame.

“Iconic” regiments however is a losing game, you’ll get stuck there adding new units foreeeeeeeever.

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