Explorers skins ideas for devs - Come and post your own

Lo curioso es que siempre ligan a España con la inquisición cuando esta ultima no la invento

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El público general lo asocia basicamente por Monthy Python.

Anyway, back to the topic.


Yo publicaría imágenes de tipos de exploradores pero, no me cargan nunca los jpg xd por cierto espero y los desarrolladores implementen las skins que salen en un mod para las unidades de infantería, caballería y granaderos, se ven bastante geniales.

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Maybe the devs could instead add less stereotypical religious figures like Juana Ines de la Cruz or Bartolome de las Casas as cards/explorer skins? (I guess they could be Padre skins as well, given that they worked in New Spain.)

If it doesn’t conflict with the minor civ, it would also be nice to see an Iberian civ get something to reflect the role of the Society of Jesus.

I guess it could be cool examples, but personally I would like to see liberal or peninsular war figures. But as I said there are still 10 civs to get their unique skins.

Well, the Spanish only got two skins besides the default ones, while Malta and Italy got four skins each and it looks like the Lakota are also getting 4 skins soon (you can see them in the PUP).

The British, the US and the Mexicans also only got two skins in their events.

Still irritates me Daniel Boone wasn’t a USA explorer skin.


Perhaps I didn’t explain myself properly, Mexico has a “religious” hero, Asians too. So based on that some Europeans could have a secondary hero as shipment or when building church/basilica.

For example the Pope was a prominent figure for Europe and Italy, in the case of Spain there were several prominent figures that acted as historians, scholars, etc.

France had 2 Cardenals as Regents.

I think that the Inquisition has good and bad sides. And I’m not saying that Spain were the only ones to have one, as far as I have read in the New Spain the Inquisition was a positive institution.

Yo no los asocio con Monthly por eso, creo que les queda bien a los Españoles (una figura religiosa) que es reflejo de su cultura y su contexto histórico.

Además si hacen referencia, sería un buen Easter egg. Tenemos untio Sam, un astronauta…

Yep, as long as devs want to expand the game, they could add more, even for those that have already 4-6.

Maybe too early for the game but not sure got a better female explorer for

PORTUGAL - Brites de Almeida - The Baker of Aljubarrota

Her melee weapon should be a bread or a shovel and deal extra damage against Spanish.
A myth or not, this show some rivalry with the Castilians and a good candidate for a explorer Skin.


For Spain I would like Blas de Lezo

and Delgado from the campaign


Before they add “random French female villager with sword” to fill the gender quota, I’m compelled to recommend Madame de la Tour. She bravely lead the defense of Fort la Tour in Acadia against Acadian rebels in 1645.



Try to find some really world-famous models who are not real historical figures.

Spanish: Don Quixote with his cute, iconic hat.
One of the greatest works of Spanish and even Western literature. To people in many parts of the world, Don Quixote is more familiar and intimate than those generals or kings who actually existed in the history.

Dutch: Girl with a Pearl Earring
A masterpiece of art symbolizing the Dutch Golden Age, perhaps a good choice for a female explorer too?


I really like this idea and it does sound logical for the germans/HRE. I think that, when the time comes the devs will give the germans some reference to the oktoberfest or the bavarian style, it wouldn´t be bad as well. It would be like the time they gave the “Charro” with the “Día de muertos” style to the Mexicans civ, somehow funny but good :smile:


Don’t get your hopes up. There’s a myriad of heroic female conquistadors and we got a flamenco dancer for Spain. Why showcase admirable and capable women in history when you can get away with low effort virtue signaling?


French explorer’s skin is 100% Joan of Arc


Yeah, that would be an obvious choice

Swedes: Charles XII
Based on the king of Sweden:

Mexicans: Zorro
From the Pueblo of Los Angeles, the famous character (we can go for some cool looking fictional characters):

Russians: Peter the Great
Famous Russian Tsar, could give him a tricorne with his uniform:

Germans: Gebhard Von Blucher
The Prus-I mean German general that fought against Napoleon and his role in the decisive victory in the battle of Waterloo:

British: Guy Fawkes
Remember remember the 5th of November…

Gonna edit for more ideas.


I have some Ideas for Portugal

Marquês de Pombal

Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal - Wikipedia

Vasco da Gama

Roberto Ivens ( dont know if he fits the timeline) Portuguese explorer of africa

Roberto Ivens - Wikipedia

Bartolomeu Dias

Bartolomeu Dias - Wikipedia

Martim Afonso de Souza

Martim Afonso de Sousa - Wikipedia


For the Germans:

Nikolaus Federmann( German Konquistador In Venezuela)

Nikolaus Federmann - Wikipedia

Philipp von Hutten (if remember right the commander of the German Explorer)

Philipp von Hutten - Wikipedia

That are kinda unkown guys. They wanted find El Dorado.


Filipe de Brito e Nicote (portuguese mercenary and king in myanmar)

Filipe de Brito e Nicote - Wikipedia

Sorry guys got in flow :sweat_smile: