Not quite.
- Connect to game w/ Capture Age
- In Capture Age, Zoom out with mousewheel to see full map
- Hit your keyboard’s Print Screen (Prt Scr) button… which copies your screen to clipboard buffer
- Instead of Prt Scr key, a better way, imo, is SHIFT + Windows Key + S (hold them together) to activate Windows 10’s screenshot capturing tool, where you then left mouse-button click-and-drag the area you want saved to clipboard
- Instead of Prt Scr key, a better way, imo, is SHIFT + Windows Key + S (hold them together) to activate Windows 10’s screenshot capturing tool, where you then left mouse-button click-and-drag the area you want saved to clipboard
- Hit ALT+ TAB (or Windows Key + D) to get back to your Desktop without having to exit/close the app
- Launch MS Paint or whatever image manipulation program you want
To launch MS Paint from Desktop, hit Windows Key then type “paint” or “mspaint” and it should show up as the best result, then hit ‘Enter’ key:
Alternatively, if that doesn’t work, hit Windows Key + R, then type “mspaint” and hit Enter to accept that Run command.
Note: If you have a dual monitor setup, know that Prt Scr sometimes captures both your monitors, so you may need to crop your image, accordingly.
- Hit CTRL + V to paste the screenshot and save it as a JPG or whatever file type you like
- ALT + TAB back to Capture Age and, if desired, take more screenshots and save them using the above process
Rejoice with glorious screenshot of entire map!