Features that need to be improved or added. What else can you add?

  • Lack of a global chat or chat channels
  • Being able to use/interactive with the main menu and tech tree while queueing for a match
  • The replay system needs an overhaul. You currently can’t jump to time stamps or effectively rewind or fast forward
  • The spectator mode UI is missing a lot of functionality and is unintuitive
  • Being able to search by player name in a match in the lobby browser
  • It auto-disbands your party after matches and kicks you out of the lobby
  • There is no in-game leaderboard currently
  • Lack of a metal ranking system/divisions in ranked modes
  • No 4v4 ranked game mode
  • Sound issues when launching the game
  • If your game is canceled while searching you are kicked out of the queue and back to the lobby
  • Limited and disorganized lobby browser
  • Pathing issues both with villagers and army units
  • Inability to spectate specific players or friends in a match
  • Poor lighting and terrain on certain maps such as Savanah, Mount Olympus, and Watering Hole.
  • Barebones matchmaking UI
  • Missing important stats from post-game screen
  • Better lobby chat window that doesn’t resemble a chat messenger.
  • Better in-game chat window that doesn’t have a random cogwheel by messages

What else do you think needs to be added or changed?


I can add a lot, but I’m going to stick with UI and UX:

  1. Not possible to issue an attack move on the minimap
  2. Not possible to queue an attack move after a regular move
  3. Pressing a command (such as the attack-move) and then clicking the map (to execute the command) or right clicking the map (to cancel the command) gives the same visual feedback.
  4. Missing some hotkeys for important buttons, such as sending all herdables to TC.
  5. If you set your middle mouse button for any hotkey (I use it for “find last notification”) it won’t work if your mouse cursor is currently on the minimap.
  6. Many unit stats are unavailable during a match or within the unit info panel. They are only accessible through the editor.
  7. We need an option to put the resources on the bottom left of the screen
  8. Would be nice to be able to select a group of villagers and see the sum of the resources they carry

I’m going to stop here for now.


Here is my list, that was slowly created as I read other people feedback and issues, Plus what I encountered and found as I played:

Most important missing features:

  • Treaty mode is missing. It should return. Please stop removing stuff, just because it does not fit into PvP vision you have.
    • Even if it requires additional balance, such as disabling godpowers for duration of the Treaty
  • Quick-Match against AI (co-op vs AI)
  • Lack of different hotkey presets (such as A-attack move and WASD for movement)
  • Map VETO/Ban/Preference system for automated matchmaking
  • Lack of different command card presets, e.g. current one or AoE4/AoE2 one, where command card is default and build menu is on separate key
    • This is IMO big issue with how Norse and some other units works with build menu. It would be best to have AoE4 command card + build menu layout option.
  • Villager priority is missing faith for Greeks
  • Social features needs lot of QoL changes and updates that are available in previous games or other RTS like WC3/SC2 Battle.Net features. e.g. improvements to sending invites from Lobby, seeing what friends are doing and for how long etc…
  • Different UI Layouts should be added by default. Primarily Choice to have Minimap at LEFT/RIGHT and Resource at LEFT/RIGHT/TOP
    • Mods should not be required for addressing core accessibility and user preferences

Missing or additional content:

  • Art of War is missing and at this point I do consider this core feature of AGE games
  • Gamescom Demo (inspired by old PAX scenario) the one that is timed scenario to defeat Kronos should be added as mythic battle
    • It could be cool to have also PvE scenarios with leaderboard for score/time, so people can try to surpass others. (just beware of cheaters, so it’s not ruined immediately)
  • Bring Masteries from AoE4 for each pantheon or major God, it was good content for SP and also nice extended guide to civ strengths

UI Issues that needs solving and improving:

  • Lack of option to hide full lobbies
  • Lack of info ingame on state of special abilities such as Loki myth unit spawning, it should be added to UI, noone should be left guessing how core god feature works and when it will happen… More info is always better and in best case it can be togglable in God-specific settings
  • Selecting gamemodes and custom scenarios is not really intuitive in the current UI. Game options should be all in same location, splitting them around the UI is bad design.
  • Campaign selection has arrow to move to next campaign, problem is that it’s very hard to see and it’s visibility should be improved as there is no clear indication if there is any additional campaign (problem for new players accessibility) the moment we have smaller monitor or more campaigns than 3 (which will happen soon with Chinese most likely)
  • Fullscreen option is missing, which would be fine, if the option for lock mouse to window should be directly under it. This causes lot of confusion for the people…

Most desired cosmetic feature to be reintroduced or added:

  • Blood and Decaying Bodies to Skeletons
    • At least as paid cosmetic DLC
  • Day & Night cycle we had as an option in EE
  • Biomes from AoE4, so we can play maps in different settings.
  • Freyr’s Asgardian Fortress should receive unique model.
  • Regicide’s Regent shold have unique model for each civ. It just doesn’t fit for Norse and future Chinese to be led by some Greek looking dude…
  • Dwarwen Berserkers when?
  • Brign back Armory Upgrades for Armor being visible. See Pre-Order Beta. Why removal of Armor Upgrade visuals? - #26 by Armilus
  • Ability to save and load multiple hotkey profiles

Cosmetic Issue to be addressed:

  • Upgraded tower faces different direction then the basic tower
    • This annoys a hell out of me, it was in original and it’s in Retold, Please address this finally and make upgraded towers face same direction as default towers.
  • Fish visibility is awful, for example Mediterranean has two types of Fish one is almost invisible and second is much better. This really needs to be addressed, most of the time I can’t find the fish or count how many are there.
    • At least consider something like Factorio ALT-MODE where it overlays ICON over the Fishes so they are easily visible.

Other missing features from original:

  • Original opening cinematic is missing, which is huge loss!
  • Original tutorial was removed, which is really sad. It should be reintroduced in either original form or as single level that merges all previous one into one as mythic battle.

My personal wishlist of features and content to be added:

  • Rotating experimental gamemodes with crazy rules & experimental mechanics that rotates at least once a month
    • old gamemodes kept as downloadable mods
    • popular experiments could become part of the game or get it’s own matchmaking and additional polish
    • could motivate people to try MP as it would offer more chaotic gameplay and less rigorous following of build orders

Different QoL features to add or consider:

  • Gathering points are not separateable for military and economy, this is huge QOL issue
    • It would be appreciated if Dwarfs and Gatheres had unique gathering point in the TCs
  • Option for new units to move with attack move vs just move from building
  • Option for buildings to have multiple waypoints, so the unit walk through the desired area, instead of shortest way to the point

Different Cosmetic features to add or consider:

  • Added option to select portrait for each god invididually (also bring back few beta portraits that actually looked good.)
    • Sell cosmetic DLCs for portraits
  • Give each God unique Titan model (maybe as cosmetic DLC). We already have unique Wonders, so make Titan unique as well.

Balance features to be add:

  • Alternative make each Titan unique and give each Titan unique abilities (as baseline-feature or special gamemode)
  • Add Naval Shipyards as building or upgrade to dock that enables production of either all military ships or at least myth units, so water has more stuff.
    • Not going fishes should be more reasonable alternative, making ECO docks and MILITARY naval shipyards will force ECO use additional investment, allowing the one who chooses to only contest water eco to need smaller initial investment.

All other things worth considering

  • Link to https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/26890202481300-Cheats-for-Age-of-Mythology-Retold, somewhere in the learn section, so they are not so secret, when they are not secret at all… or make them available in Learn section as a special page
  • It might actually be good to consider making the link for support somewhere in the game… and it’s not that hard to add one button that ask you if you want to go to website or shows QR code to open website on mobile for console…
    • If I have any issue with the game or encounter a bug I have to go to forums… modern live-service game should have modern approach to bug reporting and issue solving…


  • Publish Mod button is hidden too much. It should be visible from mod manager directly, there is no good reason for it to be hidden behind mod “View” button…
  • Official mod documentation and tutorials (e.g. for additive data mods and other things)
    • It doesn’t need to be perfect, but overall more documentation the easier it will be for new people to try modding and scenario editor, can be easily also outsourced to Content Creators to make guides and offer them consultations, so they can get proper guide together more easily
  • Official or officially endorsed mod tools, such as extractor. [v.0.7] Resource Manager - Age of Myth Retold .BAR extractor
  • Add support for custom pantheons. Don’t leave it hardcoded. Also it has bug, because the only god that is locked if you have no DLC is the 13th… Clearly it’s fast trick, make it properly and allow modders to add custom ones without overwriting the original.

But also let’s give devs some + for addressing some stuff before I had chance to write (this are already fixed or added)

  • Cinematic Civilization tutorial should be accessible from the menu, so everyone can easily access them and they shold be present for all civs to explain the basics of how to play them and what are the main differences.
  • Tech Tree tooltip for items at the bottom is extended beyond the screen.

And I will still end this with one thing that I wish they will not DO AT ALL and WILL NOT EVEN TRY IT.
PLEASE DON’T DO ANY FOMO STUFF. SO NO TO any time limited-events, ranked rewards or anything else that requires player to play something in specific time to receive reward and then it’s inaccessible. We don’t need this, all old age games were fine without it, I would much more prefer if you just sold it as MTX then making anything FOMO or time-limited.
It doesn’t make game better, it makes it worse. It locks new players from content. Makes it just checklist of things to do in dev defined time, where you have to play the game. It doesn’t make the experience better, it makes it always worse as it forces people to play the game for rewards, instead of playing the game when they want and have fun in their own way. Overall it has always opposite effect, it reduces value of the game for new players, who are permanently locked out of the content.


I’d like to see terrain layering implemented for the editor, similar to how it is in AoE2. This hugely increases the number of terrain options without requiring any more textures.

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Definitely Military AQ on ranked allowed in-game and just let players decide to use it or not while playing.

Its in the campaing, in custom and quick match. Why make it a hassle on ranked? Just allow it

  • Pathing Issues: Some pathing problems still persist, though there’s been noticeable improvement since the Betas.
  • “Idle Ghosts” Bug: Occasionally, I’ve seen units get killed but remain visible in the game as inactive “ghosts”
  • Ranked Team Countdown Bug: Once, the ranked team countdown got stuck at 0, and the only way to fix it was to close the game. The cancel button became unresponsive obv.

Hopes for the Future:

  • Decorative Items: It would be fantastic to have decor items to personalize our villages and cities in the campaign. I know it might not be extensive, but I’m the type of person who likes to rotate houses to create a village.
  • Scenario Maps (à la AOE3): I’d love to see scenario maps similar to those in Age of Empires III.
  • Trading Posts (à la AOE3): Adding “Trading Posts” with special myth units, upgrades, minor god powers, and soldiers would be absolutely rad.
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############### post:3, topic:260576"]
Dwarwen Berserkers when?

The most important thing the game is currently missing!

No seriously I’d love to see some small Berserks. Would be funny if all normal Berserks trained by Thor are Dwarves.

############### post:3, topic:260576"]
Upgraded tower faces different direction then the basic tower

Game braking issue!
Ruins all the scenarios I make!

############### post:3, topic:260576"]
Original opening cinematic is missing, which is huge loss!

They likely didn’t have the original source files anymore so they only have the very low resolution video that was actually shipped on the disk.
They only had the original assets of the AoE3 cinematic so those got remastered.

############### post:3, topic:260576"]
Add Naval Shipyards as building or upgrade to dock that enables production of either all military ships or at least myth units, so water has more stuff.

yeah I really hate how crowded the Dock is and despite having so many things in it it’s still such a cheap building.
I think the Naval Shipyard should be in pretty much every AoE game too, splitting the Dock into a economic and military building.

############### post:3, topic:260576"]
Add support for custom pantheons.

Yeah one of the biggest issues with all the AoE games too, way to hard to mod in new civs.
Do they really think people will not buy DLC if you can mod them in?

############### post:3, topic:260576"]
PLEASE DON’T DO ANY FOMO STUFF. SO NO TO any time limited-events

I hate this so much.
“Sorry I have to cancel my vacation because I need to get that limited unlock in this video game.”
Or the worst part is if you don’t actively follow every game you play and then you find out afterwards that there was this awesome reward that you could have gotten if you played in that week/month but now it’s gone forever. Yeah I hate that.
It’s worse in other games because in AoE2/3DE it was only small cosmetic things.

I do think it’s ok to do temporary events that allow you to unlock a paid DLC. It allows players to get the DLC that would usually not be able to while simultaneously boosting payer numbers.

I’m hoping that the current system is kinda of a survey for them to see if Auto-queue is wanted by players or not.
I’m pretty sure it’s just a very loud minority that keeps being so vocal about it. There was little complains about villager auto queue being always on now so I assume there would be little complaints for all auto queue being on in the future.

You mean like more Scenario Editor objects or actually the ability to use decorative objects in normal Skirmish or Multiplayer modes?

You mean the “Historical Maps” from AoE3DE that are random maps with triggers allowing you to play certain historic scenarios with and against friends and AI.

I’d love that feature.
I suggested adding “Shrines” to the map that give you access to an additional Minor god with it’s own unique Myth unit and a few technologies.
If you lose the Shrine you keep the technologies but loose access to the myth unit.
The same way Minor Civilisations work in AoE3DE.

That would allow adding a lot more mythologies in the game then forcing each of them to be a full Pantheon with 12 gods.


Yeah, not sure if that undersells it since they bring a lot of variety into play and could work great for AOM.

I think we might be getting those, or something along those lines, but for myths rather than historic events, and/or for events related to the main story.
Just speculation, tho.