[v.0.7] Resource Manager - Age of Myth Retold .BAR extractor

Hello everyone,

This is an update for the AoE3 Resource Manager to add support for AoMR changes.

Added support for AoMR DDT texture files.

Source Code

Thanks to:
VladTheJunior and Kevsoft for their previous development
DoriBalam for rehosting the git project.


Ayyyy. Nice. Been waiting for this.

Wow I am impressed you managed to get this out so fast! I’ve only looked at the previewing side but seems to mostly work with an occasional error about key 3 not being found in the dictionary. (E.g. In ArtTerrainTextures.bar game\art\terrain\black.ddt)

Noob question: do you know if is it possible to download the PNGs exactly how we see them already masked on preview?

Sometimes I extract one PNG that looks perfect / already masked, but the image I get has weird textures around the object.

It work for models too? I’m interested. Thanks in advance.

it works for the brg/grn models used in AOM:EE and original, but not Retold, though a converter/blender plugin is in development.

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Is there somewhere I could follow along the development of the supposed converter/blender plugin for models?

My PC is going nuts thinking this is a threat, is that normal? Is it also supposed to ask me to download an additional component when opened?

Sorry I’m very new to modding.

Thank you! Let me know once it’s hosted on GitHub!

If you’re on the age of empires discord, BinderNews is the guy you want to talk to, he’s started working with MissionLemur (the guy who started this thread), they’ll be integrating the converter into the manager, which will be less hassle than maintaining a blender plugin.

This can happen often, as many custom apps won’t have any certification that anti-virus programs will recognize, if you know the source website is safe, then you should be fine to ignore any warnings. I too got a prompt to download a .NET package, but that’s just microsoft redistributables, perfectly safe, and are needed for a lot of programs to run properly.


I’m trying to install this and it’s asking for the .NET x86 installer (specifically, it points me to Download .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (v8.0.8) - Windows x86 Installer).
I’ve previously used version 0.6.0 which uses .NET x64 but then got an error trying to run 0.7.0 with .NET 8.0.8 x64 installed on my computer.

Was this an intentional change in the resource manager?

You only need the .net 6.0

Anyone find a way to extract the 3d models too? Only find the textures for now.

Also, any tutorials regarding the scripts?

This channel got something with the editor,
I find some nice things that he doesn’t covered … yet at least.

But would like to make some minor editions if possible.

That may be, but why the change from x64 in 0.6.0 to x86 to 0.7.0? That has nothing to do with the .NET version.

Is there any reason why one should not install the latest stable .NET version?

Well, for the version in 3de, you need .6net
If you only install .8 it won’t work.

I’m working off the code from @DoriBalam. That code has been updated to use .NET 8.

This is not yet supported, but @BinderNews and I are working on it.


Thank you for this!
I look forward to getting the models and 3D printing some cool ones such as Hoplites, and god statues.

Thank you for your efforts
But the png file in ui/UILegacyResources.bar still cannot be extracted

I’m still hyped for the update, but… there’s no editor tutorials? Besides the Yeebaagooon, I didn’t see many varied contents about it. Maybe i just don’t look right, but still curious if anyone find something…