Fix Team Ranked Match Making System

Please do something about Ranked Team system.

Firstly, getting dodged is way too common for high level players. It’s almost every time where we have to wait 15-20mins to finally get a game. This is mainly because players can see other players before the match starts. Yes I understand why a Gold player would dodge a match against 3 Conqs (which I will address in the second point) but too often we get dodged and the other team also has 3 Conqs (maybe 2 Conqs + 1 Dia), except they have lost against us often. Dodging a game because you think the other team is better than you although you are at a similar rank seems pretty pathetic to me. These players might still leave the game after it starts for the same reason, but at least will be discouraged with their ELO dropping (yes a lot of people care about their ELO and this is NOT wrong. Actually should be encouraged for a good competitive scene).

To my second point. Match making range is way too wide. The amount of times we get matched with Gold - Plat is quite ridiculous, and I don’t blame THEM for dodging against 3 Conqs. I rather wait 7~10 mins to find one game where it is more evenly matched than get dodged 4~5 times throughout 15~20min search by Gold/Plat players.

These Gold players in the picture actually didn’t dodge (we usually dodge low level players but we thought they’d dodge for sure) but this match making happens way too often.

This forum is flooding with balance complaints, but Civ choice is not as impactful as what people think they are, at least at the level lower than maybe Diamond. Most people just don’t want to admit that it’s them that are worse, hence blame it on something else (balance). Focus the development on making systems as well as UI better. Balance is pretty good (amazing considering how many civs there are, and these civs are very different from each other). Fix this match making system.

On the side note, Devs should also consider developing a better group box on the bottom of the screen and make players see all individual units rather than unit types. SC, SC2, AOE2, WC3, EVEN DOTA has it like this so players can take units out of their groups a lot easily (the one getting weaker for example). The amount of struggle a player has to go through to click a weak vill that is surrounded by 10 others is really unnecessary.

Focus your development to UI and game system. Please stop listening to these balance whines unless it is from the pro players (yes balance SHOULD be focussed at the top level), and PLEASE fix this match making asap…


Today my friends and I are still waiting to play 1 game. It’s been 30 mins since we first qued. This is sad really.

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I want to complain here about an unranked team quick match game.

It was a 2v2, I solo queue’d and got a partner with 1230 2v2 rating (I’m 1180). Good match so far. But our opponents were clearly premade - they had matching names and went double mongol. I didn’t notice their rank until after the game ended but I immediately noticed that they were way better than me. Their micro was on another level, every battle in that match was more frustrating than any battle I’ve had in any match before. They beat us pretty bad and then I checked - they were both conquerer ranked in 1v1 and their 2v2 team was also ranked conquerer.

Number wise, I guess 1500 isn’t too far from 1200… but the difference in skill levels between a diamond player vs a conquerer player is astronomical. I feel like it was a bad match to put two low ranked, solo queued players against a premade team of conquerer players. There’s no rationalizing it. I understand there’s probably very few teams available in any given moment that would actually be competitive matches for them, but if I was the closest challenge that’s pretty sad.


We got dodged by CONQs about 5 times today. I hope more people become aware of this situation. Picking and choosing weaker opponents is truly pathetic and low. The worst part is that Conq 1 - 2, even 3s sometimes dodge more than diamonds. How amazing this system is, and the people that abuses it.

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This issue is still not fixed in ranked teams games, match making still creates way unbalanced teams. In a 4v4 I have had it make 4 Conqueror III vs gold and silvers. It seems not only does it first make an unbalanced team but it then doubles down and makes it even more unbalanced.

It should not be that hard to look at the pool of queued players and make a fair team.

Tonight has been one of the worst I’ve experienced for team ranked matchmaking. Literally every game, either A.) my team of Plats/Golds is considerably weaker than the other team of Diamonds/Conqs and no one dodges from the match, the game goes through and we get destroyed or B.) my team is slightly better with Plats and maybe a Diamond against all plats, and of course whenever my team has a slight rank advantage, the other team dodges. Literally, every, game.

Finally got sick of it and starting dodging myself. Every match I got was against Conqs with my team considerably worse. Now I’m on a 15 min cooldown.

Why is this game still like this? #1 do NOT show the ranks before the game starts! and #2 how is the MM system no properly balancing teams out?!?! this is MADNESS that this is still a problem.

Team match making is completely broken and it gets worse because of players adapt to the brokenness by dropping out or simply not playing team match making anymore in lower ranks.
As mentioned by others, don’t show ranks Pls.
Another solution to prevent frustration is instead of just widening the searching pool after time x passed, ask the players if they want to widen the search pool to find matches quicker.

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Ah, have a look at the start of the video, this is why there is bad match making

I agree with this, I think a lot of damage has been caused by people demanding nerfs to things after they lost against a better player. Even pro players can have play style preferences, though, and some may like a situation where there aren’t many options for how to play, knowing that they can out-APM their opponents if everyone has to play the same way, so the devs should carefully scrutinise even feedback from pro players.

for lazy people:
Although it’s named teamrating.
inside it has 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4 - different matchmaking ELO

It’s the biggest joke from devs i’ve seen.

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That doesn’t explain the matchmaking issues. That’s common sense that each pool has its own matchmaking rating. But there is something more going on than just the first few team matches where the system hasn’t accurately ranked you yet. I played hundreds of team games and got matched against the best player in the 2v2 ladder that has also played hundreds of games. And I was platinum. The game knew very very well what we were and it still matched us up. It’s broken.

I do agree there is more to this issue, I have seen some really unfair teams.

From what has been said here, they are collecting feedback to fix it.

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conq 3 should not get matched with gold or plat. you can even punish people for queue dodge or leaving but either way they aint gonna win. they have zero chance of even having a decent game. gold plat going to lose elo playing or not. not point to match like this. one conq 3 player can beat 2/3 gold players or maybe plat players.

simple rule skilled based match making it should be impossible for conq to play agist plat gold unless if there is one conq in each team


I mean why cant gold play gold and so on and so on? Or do they base it on ratings?

The Matchmaking system is by elorating.

In the first seconds the system opens a “band/filter” with a difference of elo X, (with some exceptions). If the search advances 1, 2, 3 and up to 6/7 minutes, the band continues to open more and more (because the or the players can’t find a match and the system wants you to find them quickly) until the band opens to face you against anyone from minute 6 (if I’m not mistaken).

That system works if there are a lot of concurrent players looking for matches, but the system fails when higher level players and very low level players (aside from a significant number of team players) have trouble finding a more balanced match because if a medium/high level player takes more than 6 minutes to find a game, he can play WITH ANYONE (although the much lower level opponent takes 1 minute searching and I know that from AoE3 and I think the system is the same).

And I think that my proposal to add a search filter from minute 1 for patient or impatient players seems good, from my perspective, to solve the problem, although I deleted the proposal because it could sound like there were no better options than that.

Cause they have general rank between 2v2 3v3 4v4, but if you get high rank it does not mean that you have high ELO in other mod.

For example, you are top1 in 2v2, but somehow devs think that you need to climb all way up from bottom, but opponents will see that you are top1.

is it insane? yes.
how cares? none


Where are you getting this information? Because I matched against the top player less than 2 minutes into my queue. Top player may have been on a long queue by then so your story would explain the system eventually matching him against anyone, which happened to be me. Well, I closed the program in task manager during the loading screen, which avoids the dodge penalty. I immediately reloaded the game because I frequently do this 4-5 times before finding a fair match. I requeued and in less than a minute matched to the same top player! He literally could not have been queued for longer than 2 minutes himself. That wasn’t just one time either, it’s happened multiple times that I dodge a conq 3 and quickly match to them again the very next game.

Huh? He loaded completely into the match, that’s how it’s able to generate those records with the map and civilizations. He gained two rating from the match being forfeited in the first seconds. That doesn’t reset his queue?

Sorry, I misunderstood you. I think this happens because the first band is a bit more aggressive and rivals find you faster.

The average elo of the opposing team is approximately 1500 and your team’s 1000. I don’t know the difference in elo in the first opening bands but it looks very aggressive.