Sadly this hasn’t worked for me either, I downloaded the new pup (11/3/2023) and the skin was not unlocked, and then I went back to the live version and the skin still was locked. Im going back to pup but I wanted to report it doesn’t work for everyone
Calm down guys He said it will unlock when the next patch goes live.
disable mods didnt worked
edit: change to PUP and then returning to normal also didnt worked
I’ll wait to a proper patch
Completely unrelated to the topic, but can we get a ‘sharpness slider’ in the game?
Anti Aliasing option
I am also having this issue with Francis Drake not being unlocked. Changing to the PUP did not help, unfortunately.
Not as related, but it would be nice if the problem with the profile icons from past events that were unlocked being locked again for some people. For example, for the very first event after game release, I unlocked all 5 icons from the challenges, but soon after the event finished, the last 2 profile pictures from the event was locked and I still have not being able to get them back.
Hello, my profile ID is 2533274909420655,
I would like to get my reward,
because I did what was required to unlock it during this event.
Thanks in advance.
Yes please, I lost all my icons when changing my PC
Sadly, still not fixed for me. The Drake skin is still locked with the latest patch.
Still locked for me. Safe to say this patch didn’t fx the issue either.
new patch still didn’t unlock the skin
My user profile ID number is 76561198139860700.
I can confirm that, even with mods disabled, game updated, and restarted, that the Francis Drake skin DOES NOT unlock. I played 5 or so games during the time the event campaign was active.
This update did not resolve anything regarding unlocking the Cosmetic. The developer team needs to stop making these stupid events and make it more of a personal challenge like before. Or, I don’t mind if they sell it as paid DLC.
didn’t get it either.
Same, didn’t get the skin.
Glad to see the requirement of the explorer skin has changed by removing the cumulative number of played matches, but like the others above, the British skin does not unlock.
I still don’t have the Francis Drake skin even after the live update. Here is my ID again btw: 76561198271404290