Why didn’t you tell some of the top AoE players in the world? Delhi mains ranking is dropping fast, they’re making post-patch “civ tiers” where Delhi is isolated in tier D (no other civ even in tier C).
OMG what a genius, why didn’t you say so before. We wasted so much anger. Thanks I am all calmed down now. Phew what a relief! All Delhi bugs are gone all 30+ of them. It’s tier S+ civ now after your grand revelation.
“the building of the scholar (you can build multiple) will boost the reseachtime extreme, if the buildings that research something are in range. Keep in mind, the delhi need NO resorces for research!”
if you had read this thourough most we are well aware about that but having a 20 pop handicap late game is just too much (imagine count down for a civ you can’t get through like a wonder given to your oppenent)
“place one scholar in every producing building like barracks, and boost the construction time by 100%”
Mongols and chinese get better version out of it.
“If you play delhi like that, you will see, that they needed this nerf: research with no need for resources, fast unit building time and a towerelephant every minute for free…”
You clearly don’t know what you are talking about, elephant are not effiecient most of the time especially in an even match. And Those tech aren’t free they cost pop, resources and a lot of time either way it be by producing shcolars or the tech research. Yes that time has been reduce but the scholar price is still too much to give you a real edge in Age 1 and 2 when delhi isn’t that strong compared to other civ’s military option or eco. About the resource your techs cost you it’s in fact what the scholars cost you the issue with the landmark it’s 75Gold, 45sec to produce and 1 pop available.
15 times for castle and the double to get 1 minute more to research against your oppenent.
Take into account all your unit is generic all along the game Delhi is in a pickle no doubt about it. your only economic bonus is through the sacred site that you have to protect in the middle of the map when other have a similar bonus within their very base ! Don’t mistaken Delhi’s quirk are fun but currently not competitive. That’s the issue. And Delhi’s quirk seem strong but they come ALL with a disadvantage. When the rest of that civ is generic come on compare Delhi with the Rus imagine two player equally skilled Delhi’s player got nothing to counter the Rus. Same goes for the French or even the Abassid early boom.
Finally i’ll admit one case scenario i can see Delhi excels other and that maybe rushing Ages. By doing so Delhi got a pseudo Tech advantge similar at a AoE2 Knight rush where your oppenet only got feudal responses. But i thinks it will still be a gamble and not worth compete others with Delhi.
…But in your great wisdom and experience of it please give us the BO you use to win consistently with Delhi against player of your level i’ll be really happy to see it. Because so far you’d just through random sh*t based on what you’ve read on the tech tree and a couple second of thoughts about that.
I don’t think french are that strong compared to new china, mongols and other civs. Its just that its very easy to play and a lot of people pick it for that reason. In low elo games its pretty good but when you learn to counter you can easily boom. Knights are very costly units and can cripple french late game.
the thing is that delhi is bugged and the area of influence actually adds more time into research, that is the first reason , the second one is that delhi before had a good early game in terms of sacred sites and they were played different , now delhi needs to play in the same way as other civs.
I know this is a hot topic but lets behave . If we want to be heard we need to be nice.
@MausBueffel1563 just wanted to gave his opinion , (we all knew that scholars inside mosques produce faster btw) but there is no need to humillate him in this way . all of us are people with different ways to think and if you want to express your self we need to be calm .
(I know i have humillated a lot of people but its good to be toxic if the other person is toxic (for the sake of the chat) but this guy wasnt toxic , why be toxic with him?)
i know its late! but lets be realistic . they are not going to prepare us a secret winter gift for us changing delhi meta and fixing the 30 bugs of delhi .
How they can change the delhi meta?
bringing sancity in dark age but you need to have like 6 scholars to produce it.
making delhi able to make military building at dark age BUT you can only produce basic stuff like lancers (not archers , maybe improved villagers with bows) and early horse man .
Or allowing them to produce scholars faster and making buildings cheaper.
Well at least i’m not acting all mighty for no reason like you miss/mister big talk. And in addition i give obvious facts to ignorants. So i see no reason you condescend me you sassy troll. But your intervention is proof this argument about Delhi nerf is over or reached it’s Godwin point
last one is a winner to me (not the building part). Delhi lack a better economics advantage early on to make up with early aggression. and if Hissar change for the best it may be enough to give you the boosted eco other civs already have at this point
Even if Hissar Academy gave the food it is supposed to give, it’ll still be useless. Food is never a problem in imperial age, everybody’s got farms by then. And even if you have all techs researched it barely gives enough food to replace like 1-2 villagers.
Hisar replaces 8-12 villagers on food with a reasonable amount of research done, and can be very useful to help mitigate population lost due to scholars. Prior to the imperial age research nerf it could offset almost all the population scholars made up in your mosques. Since they want us to make more scholars now it should probably be buffed a bit if that is the role they wanted it to play. It is also not a dead landmark if you are pop capped.
I like palace too, but it’s pick rate is definitely inflated by one of the more popular build orders bugging out Hisar (honed blades/MAA)
as a lot of people have discussed and explained, most of delhi’s landmark are either bugged or terrible or just there to offset a disadvantage like high cost scholars. while other civs landmarks give early units, or have unique unit production or provide some sort of economic or military advantage early game.
even the good ones delhi has like house of learning and compound of defender are also useless. you need villagers to build towers and repair walls so having infantry just build stone walls dosnt offer much as you still have to carry your villagers. house of learning research arnt great either, when honed blades was a thing then yes maybe, but other it got nerfed and dosnt apply +1 damage anymore and takes forever to research. you can simply gain those advantages offered by other house of learning tech by building houses or doing things you would usually do.
With the sacred sites delhi had too much gold. But they nerfed that. I don’t know if just gold income would do. But yes landmarks definitely needs looking into.