Game is a desaster, admit it please

Competitives enjoy a fun, well crafted, with attention to detail game too. I notice sometimes features or general game aspects being raised as of sole interest for competitives or as of sole interest for casuals. These two do not have to be mutually exclusive.

@Jaysus04 Some competitives keep saying that this game is not good for competitives while casuals say that that the game speaks too much to competitives but not to them. :man_shrugging: What is it in the end? If the main concern is basic functionalities like hotkeys customization or global queue, they sound quite easy on paper to be added and should be expected I guess to come very shortly after launch if not on it. Would that be enough to change your mind?
Those who dislike things that are already deeply weaved into the game’s fabric like the asymmetry and civ design have it worse.