Gamescom 2024 - AoE IV News


Yeah pals! I am making a topic to talk about gamescom 2024.

In recent years, gamescom has come to replace the E3 venue to find out about future video game releases… and prepare our salaries (or those of our parents) to buy our favorite games, hehe.

In the case of AoE IV, this event was the place where we were able to get the first official announcement of the franchise’s first DLC, the 2022 anniversary version, with Ottomans and Malies. and in 2023, it was where Sultans Ascend was announced.

![Gamescom 2024 News Sultans Ascends|474x266, ########################################################
As you may know, it was announced that we gonna have a patch for AoE IV at the end of August 2024, with some new unique units, and even new unique technologies for Abbasid. In addition, a “hint” was left that new surprises would arrive in the spring (of the northern hemisphere) of 2025 (January I suppose), which I theorize as a desire to release a DLC, but in the end, it is just speculation.

Today, August 20, 2024, **“LA GAMESCON 2024” has already begun **

In fact, Microsoft’s response was immediate, and this 1st Day, the official 100% non-fake trailer for Age of Mythology: Retold was just announced, available on YouTube.


That’s the point, as gamescon just started, we’ll have to keep an eye on it this week if something happens. Much news about the event will be broadcast on YouTube, so we just have to wait to see if there is any hint of new DLC or the August surprises and the expected return of the monsters.

I will update the topic in case I find out anything that comes out, and I will leave some doubts that eat away at my mind and keep me awake:

1.- Will there be more campaigns or new civs for Return of Rome?
2.- After the recent AoE II:DE campaign DLC, will there be even more DLC on the way?
3.- Will there be any information about the expected AoE III DLC with double double civilization (Lituania Noruega, Dyn-Norw)?
4.-What does the future of AoE IV await us? Will another DLC cause another Hype storm like in Winter 2024?

5.- Why is Nessy Blue?
6.- Where is Bigfoot?
7.- Does anyone know the real identity of FotonMan?

The answers to these questions, perhaps, on the next day of gamescon.



I just want the patch to be out then I’ll be happy any other anouncement is icing on the cake.


Devs message me the civs you are gonna release i promise i dont share it.After i given you prove you guys can work on those civs please lets not make the variant civ mistakes from last dlc.


I’ve been watching everything in Gamescom so far, not much new information has dropped for anything Age related. So far they’ve been focused on the launch of AoM Retold and AoE Mobile, their booth is a testament to that. However, this is the event that we normally get big information drops, and it’s only day 1.

My prediction for AoE IV is that we will get information on the next patch by the end of the week, but we may not see anything related to its expansion until at least December, maybe even as late as February. I am also expecting the expansion to have less content than The Sultan’s Ascend. We are likely entering a lull period for the game.

The past trends, and their influence on my prediction

First, we have the timeline for the Anniversary Edition of AoE IV, the first big update that added two civilizations (among many other things). The initial announcement was given at Gamescom 2022 on August 22, they had some small content drops throughout October, finally launching the Anniversary Edition on October 25.

A period of 64 days, from announcement to launch.

Then looking at the timeline for The Sultan’s Ascend DLC, they announced it on August 23, released the first official teaser trailer 3 weeks later on September 19, then launched on November 14.

A period of 83 days, from announcement to launch. Notably, 27 days from the soft announcement during Gamescom 2023 to the first trailer in September.

Some additional information:

The release of the Anniversary Edition update, October 25 2022, is when they first announced the remaster of AoM as well as AoE Mobile. Both of these titles are being released by the end of this year, AoM Retold in September 4 2024 and AoE Mobile on October 17 2024. That is a period of 2 years from initial announcement to release.

Gamescom 2023 is also when they debuted the release of AoE IV Console edition, creating a natural segue into a soft release of DLC content. This could explain why we received information on it approx 19 days earlier than the Anniversary edition.

Why December for AoE IV DLC announcement

The reason for that is the coinciding release of AoM Retold in September and AoE Mobile in October. Both of these games are going to take the focus of the fanbase… Seeing as we tend to share players between titles. You can see the dip in player engagement in one game when DLC releases in another. It is not very significant, but from a business angle, it is more reasonable for their product’s future to spread the release of content. We are a fanbase that totals in approx 50k concurrent players, after all.

We also know that Relic has gone through a significant restructuring for the past year or so. A lot of what I’ve seen in developer commentary for this year has been from World’s Edge. There are a multitude of studios that manage this project, and I really think it’s unreasonable to expect them to abandon this game considering the 20 years of intermittent support for past titles. This is one of the eternal RTS franchises… even if it loses official support we will more than likely see fans pick up the torch, something that can be observed with AoE Online.

World’s Edge taking the lead on a lot of areas signals to me that they may be diverting attention from their other projects. Since the development of AoE relies partially on them, we are likely to see a change in the release tempo of DLC across the franchise.

Get to it already, why December?

Looking at the patch notes from July 2024, we can see that they mentioned having something to look forward to in Spring 2025. Since we have yet to see what will be added this year, I see it as a signal for a larger content drop, likely DLC. Spring ranges from March 20 to June 20. Given the pacing of past announcements, we can expect at least 60 days prior to launch, to as far as 90 days. I believe they may release small pieces of information outside of this range, but it is to their benefit to leave as much as 3 months prior to the release of the DLC.

With a potential release in March, I would expect an announcement as early as December.

Other information and rumors

So, there’s been some hubbub in the AoE 2 subforum. Steamdb is tracking an unnamed, unannounced, dlc being added. It could potentially coincide with the anniversary this year. With that in mind, we could be hearing other things during that announcement! This could be more information about AoE 3 content, or it could even be a content drop for things on AoE 4.

Closing statement

Gamescom 2024 has only just begun. We’ve seen Age of Mythology featured during the opening ceremony, and just had a good 20 minutes on the first day’s livestream. The Age booth at gamescom has been seeing a lot of engagement from crowds. I hope we hear more about other titles in the franchise, though it is likely to be side commentary during interviews. Even so, what’s good for AoM is ultimately good for AoE.

With everything that is happening for the Age franchise I think we have a lot to look forward to. AoM Retold is the last title to be remastered. What this means is that all future developments for the series will be unseen content, completely new entries, or alterations on existing metas to refresh gameplay.

We have more players engaged across every title than we have seen in quite some time for the series. The mobile market has access to more people, and as a result of that may lead to a boost in people playing the console/pc versions. We will also have 3 games that feature cross platform gameplay, between console and PC, and the future of gaming seems to point to people streaming gameplay from their device to their screens.

I have a lot of hope for this game. One of the things building that is their success being self evident.

Whether you enjoy one game over another, or play everything in the franchise, there is something here for you. I’m excited to see what comes next to my favorite RTS series.


Anyone here wants to see Aztecs or Incas in AoE4?


I suppose all the Age studios are hard at work on Mythology now, but since they hinted they had plans for the other games early this year there’s space for news to come. After AoM launch and early support phase is over it’s going to be plausibile. I was expecting something more at Gamescom but they seem to be hyper focused on AoM.

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I don’t think the game is entering a lull period, it is stale atm due to the significant delay in the season 8 patch due to red bull qualifiers. Once the patch is released many people will be playing more again. Also sultans ascend was the best selling dlc ever so they are certainly incentivized to make more aoe4 dlc I suppose it just takes longer to make than an aoe2 dlc.


I think the most requested civs are Aztects and Vikings.

And yes, those would be the ones who bring the most uniqueness to the game. Would be less excited by another christian or muslim civ.

If Aztect/Incas is considered too much outside of the aoe4 timeline, then I would like to see Vikings and Khmers

I hope for Vijayanagar Empire as well. We don’t have a real Indian Civ yet.


Aztecs, Incas and Vikings… if I have to choose one of them, I’m screwed, they’re all very classic… but I’d vote for Inca.

Currently in AoEIV, there is no favorite civilization of mine… I’m isolated and alone rsrsrsrsrs!.. I’m a big fan of: “South India”, Burmese, Khmer and I still don’t know what to think about Vietnam, which is really cool in terms of campaign, but I don’t know what they would look like visually.

I believe that “South India” is the region I would most like to see at some point… I still think it will take a while, maybe around 2026 or 2027,… But it doesn’t hurt to dream… Vijayanagar Empire, my dream is to one day be able to see it and select it on the screen.


Would love to see the following expansions; Inca & Spanish, Indian & Khmer, Aztecs & Ethiopian.

I love the Incas and I know we have a limited amount of future DLCs, but Aztecs and Incas are so wildly different that them being in a “generally similar” region, is not a good reason to exclude one over the other. Especially considering how many European civilizations we’ve gotten so fa;r why not have both Inca and Aztec?


There will definitely be an announcement for when the remaining half of the patch will be announced later this month. Unless there will be an announcement of a delay of the announcement of the remaining half of the patch.

I find I love Middle Eastern, West Asian and African cultures most. Probably because I find them the most interesting and exotic. I’m bored to death with Western European architecture in games.

I don’t give a f*** about new civs.
I want them to fix the game.
Please no more civs, no dlc.
Just fix the game and deliver the patches that you promised and we paid for (with maingame+dlc).

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It was confirmed that they will only talk about AoMR and AoE Mobile at Gamescom… they will talk about AoE 4 DLC in September and about AoE 3 DLC in December… I don’t expect any AoE 2 DLC until spring of next year…

This came out today.


A full siege rework has me excited. I’ve been hoping it would get a rework since the game’s release.

Looks like a good patch. :slight_smile:


Where did you read that they Will speak about next AOE4 DLC in September?

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What is this, they are constantly releasing patches, there is nothing broken in the game.

The only thing that is broken for a long time and they seem to have just forgotten its in the game are Siege Towers. Because since the wall patch the units can never go down an enemy wall so the siege tower is completely broken. I know its not a good unit but would be nice if at lest they allowed unit to move down enemy walls.


I like how this is actually a buff to Meinwerk

Really happy about this. Always hated the forced mass animal butchering at the start of each game when playing against Rus.