A new file has been added on steamdb!
I’m hoping for a nice surprise on the 25th anniversary which is September 27.
A new file has been added on steamdb!
I’m hoping for a nice surprise on the 25th anniversary which is September 27.
September 27th is my birthday! That would be a nice surprise indeed.
Any leaks or discussions on this on Reddit?
Balkan DLC, or Asian DLC, Or American DLC
An Asian DLC would be very welcome I think.
If it’s a Balkan DLC, be prepared to have 10 or 11 Mediterranean civs in total.
Although, with how much time they spent to develop it, maybe it adds a new architecture set. That’s my hope.
Maybe galactic battleground
I’m hoping for a Chinese campaign though
Looking forward to a South America or Africa DLC
Someone on Reddit suggested it could be a AoE OG campaign port. It would fit the single achievement, but what about the new file?
Any link to the page?
Not a leak, but something to discuss.
I heard that the CCP is lowering its censorship laws around video games, due to poor sales.
Now…what East Asian civ could that possibly link to…
Tibet it is then
I guess Uyghyrs is still a bit too tricky tho
Not saying it 100% is. But if there is a time for it, it’s now.
AoE 2’s quarter-century deserves a special DLC. I’m counting on a large DLC adding a lot of new civs from different regions of the world. Brand new Architecture Sets must be in this!
I’m guessing that the reason the DLC is taking so long to make, and why V&V came first despite being numbered later, is because they’re adding new architecture sets and needed more time to perfect them.
Optimistic thinking. I hope so.
I think so
This could be a nice addition!
Maybe the devs aren’t completely out of touch, saw that the fans clearly want more architecture sets, and are taking steps to address that. I mean, they added the Poles and Bohemians, broke up the Indians, and added Caucasus civs to the game, so they’re clearly paying attention to what we want. Perhaps they’ll switch the Persian architecture at the same time too.
Could the DLC of dreams be coming?