Gatling guns need to be nerfed

I want to see 20 gatlings against crushington or lazerbear.

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Well, that is also not what happens in-game. Remember who are using gatlings are people who also think, so typically gatlings will be blocked by walls, buildings, hidden in trees, or covered by anti-cav. Making Hussars ineffective at connecting while getting annihilated by something they should counter.
Only culverins can stand up to them, but good players will have gatling+culverins to kill possible counters.

That would not make much difference since 15% damage and HP, a typical plain Imperial hussar is 480HP/45 attack (552HP / 51 attack with cavalry combat).

That’s why good players will have Gatlings typically accompanied by other culverins to counter.

In the interest of fairness if 1 receives an age 3 upgrade card then so should the other whether the difference is great or small. Hussars aren’t the ideal counter anyway but if people do try to counter with hussars it will be out in the open. Culverin are the ideal counter even just 1 used well will deal with 5 gatlings and if people are massing so many gatlings then they won’t also be able to mass culverin to protect them.

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I’ve had matches where I killed anywhere from 4-12 Gatling guns using 1-5 culiverns agains the Gatling spammers. My brother has killed more then that with the same amount of culiverns and then we nail the rest of them with horse artillery

Yeah IIRC they 1 shot gatlings unlike falconets. I can’t remember the last time I even saw a gatling gun spammer in game perhaps it’s common at mid level? Last I remember seeing of it was an aussie drongo video.


I’m not high level on the ranked ladder I see them fairly often . They are not that hard to counter especially if they are packed together. People cry about nerfing stuff to much IMO


This can’t be true, because if you watch any USA game on you tube or twitch it is almost a guarantee that you will see gatlings as soon as USA can get them and they often make a point to FF just so they can get them. All talk aside, look at the behavior of players. Can you show me a single video where the USA doesn’t make gatling guns? I can’t remember ever seeing one. And of course at my level I can’t remember playing a game where USA doesn’t make or try to spam gatling guns. The overwhelming usage of them obviously must mean that they work very well. I’m pretty sure 99% of online players are aware of the unit called ‘culverin’ (which again, five civs have no/limited access to). USA also has the option to make heavy horse guns, but they always choose gatlings- so they must think gatli### are better than heavy horse guns as well.

I think the mistake lies on thinking gatling guns as just another kind of artillery. They are not. They are much more efficient in destroying infantry and very deadly to cavalry with enough numbers and upgrades. So you cannot flank them with cavalry or shock infantry. They are very vulnerable to culverins though: 2 or three culvs and gatlings are gone. They are not op, they are just very deadly but with one specific and very effective counter. So, its just a matter of learning how to counter them (and i say this as a non-usa player). Just make enough culevrins in advance and nobody will ever use gatlings again; they will become just as useless as rajputs.

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So essentially, gatling guns are artillery that also counter cav and buildings. Even great bombards don’t counter cav. Why should gatling be stronger than great bombards, otto’s special unit that can only be produced via their factories?

But they’re not stronger. Great bombards need like three or four shots of culevrin to be destroyed, but a single culevrin shot can put down 3 or 4 gatlings if the mass is dense enough, which usually is, because gatlings works best in big numbers. Also, great bombards have greater range, which means is less vulnerable to anti artillery.

Someone mentioned team games and gatlings as a balance issue. There’s no real problem. There’s no effective way to protect gatlings from culevrins. So make culevrins and the USA player will have to resort to other kind of army composition. But if you don’t make culevrins, you will surely lose the game. That’s the thing about gatlings, it’s a black or white situation: you make culevrins you win; but if you don’t, you lose. But that doesn’t mean they are op.

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De verdad creo que nunca se va a poder llegar a un acuerdo de este tema, es lo mismo que el caballero corredor ĂĄguila, unidades super Ăștiles pero como tienen un counter no se piensan que estĂĄn fuerte.

Lo mismo paso con el carolino o la infanterĂ­a crusoob que su counter era la guerrilla pero no quitaba el echo que era super difĂ­cil de ganarle.
AsĂ­ que pues:

Is there any other unit in this game which only has ONE counter? I can’t think of any. Even rifle riders were specifically designed to be weak against ‘other’ goon type units, in addition to skirms.

Lol basically every civ in the game with falconets sends them as soon as they can and it doesn’t mean they’re OP. If you do a FF then of course you’ll send gatling guns but it’s different to ship 3 than massing and making like 15 of them at the cost of making hardly any other unit.

Civs that lack culverin have the exact same issue vs falconets, they’re forced to rely on their cavalry but those civs usually have other strengths to compensate.

Every civ with falconets can get heavy horse guns, it’s normally not worth the extra price over falconets so the same applies with gatlings.

Stating the gatlings counter everything and only have 1 counter is wrong, ship 3 gatlings and leave them unprotected and watch what 5 huss do to them.

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Gatling guns also lose to falcs and horse artillery . I play the US a pretty good amount and I don’t use Gatling guns that much I prefer horse artillery. I will build a few in age 3 and early age 4 maybe but that’s about it. It also depends on what my opponent is building

Para mi las gatlin no son un problema, pero mucha gente no guarda la distancia cuando tiene infanteria y las gatlin funcionan diferente a un falconete, a un falconete te puedes acercar para matarle con infanteria pero no a una gatlin, por lo demas las gatlin son peores y no veo razon para nerfearlas. El problema es que mucha gente no sabe hacer culevrinas e intenta ganar con infanteria. En ese caso tambien se pierde mucha tropa contra cañones pero menos, ya que al acercarse al cañon y este tener que recargar, les da tiempo a matarlos antes de que vuelvan a disparar, no es el caso de la gatlin y ese es el problema, que la gente no sabe jugar las diferentes unidades y mucho menos crear culevrinas

Many people seem to avoid making culverin, but they’ll happily lose more resources worth of infantry trying to rush down 3 gatlings, doesn’t make much sense. 1 culverin completely shuts down gatlings for the entire game.

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Creo que la mejor forma de nerfear a las gatlings, es darle culebrinas a todas las civilizaciones en la edad de las fortalezas, se imaginan incas y aztecas con culebrinas capturadas?
Creo que serĂ­amos todos infinitamente felices xD

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I’d settle for inca getting the ability to train light cannons after the stronghold big button in age 4, would solve a lot of their issues imo. Aztecs are fine though, arrow knights are great vs gatlings.


El problema es que matan de todo incluso caballos que son sus contras lo cual es totalmente incorrecto. Hacer culevrinas es muy lento, para cuando las tienes ya te destruyeron media ciudad esas cosas.

Creo que la solucion es quitarles la habilidad de disparar sin parar, eso es lo OP que tienen. Si el ciclo fuera normal como otros cañones estarian equilibradas.