Gatling guns need to be nerfed

It’s so much fun watching 3 culv trying to desperately shoot my gats only to waste shots on fake ones. Or even better - watch a cav mass suicide into 5 fake mortars.

have video? ive never seen that
or rec

I don’t think so. I need to get my desktop back so I can go troll the ladder.

That’s fine, the less people know about the strength of the organ gun the better it is for me :relieved: (team games specifically)

I was doing full organs and then mixing goons or skirms in team games, it was fun. I reached 30+organs but they don’t seem as good to me as the gatlings especially against cavalry, the organ reloads and has a not very high speed while the gatling is fast and if the card is placed it will no longer reload. I tried both a full organ and a full gatling, against infantry the result is the same but not against artillery and cavalry, the gatling pushes better.


yo, Gatlings does not need to nerf i think, USA bad eco needs some cover to balanced

Did you have their new card that buffs their aoe? Cause that’s what makes it good

I think USA is ok. The only thing I don’t like is that card that generates militia every time a building is destroyed. That is toxic.

Gatlings are strong but beatable.

Swedes, Otts, ports, china and Japan are my hall of shame members.


Nobody playing anything but Otts and swedes again today. Very tiresome.


i hope that the version will be released to new countries as soon asopossible lt is better to make north korea and canada

If you mean the new organ card no, I haven’t played the current patch anymore but I think it still changes the organs but the united states has a 3 age card means you will have a nice advantage over a 4 age card which is supposed to your opponents have an economy to counter the full organ (depends on the civ) and in 4 you have the factories to use and genitours (I don’t remember what it’s called now, I still call it that), despite this it makes the organs more excellent but in team the portuguese would play it with dragoons some hussars and other artillery which seems to be better and more versatile

I think you have a bias against Indians. I’m an Otto/Ports main myself and stopped playing them as soon as I realized my wins were a little too easy and not won through as much skill as is fair. I’m saying they’re broken. It was hard to admit at first because I didn’t want to believe it but that’s human nature.

India is broken as well. I played many games against less skilled players, taking out 4 settlers for free early, buildings, pulling back properly and defending - only to have them come back with 50% more score and a mass triple my size, pushing into my defenses and wiping everything out with many units left over and pumping out after having aged. Supposed similar rank (I’m top 200).

It was the civ that carried him the entire way through. A 5w nerf to house cost will even things out a bit, and even then may need another small nerf.

I play Brits, I get mailed by India more often than not. I just don’t want them put ahead of far worse offenders.

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Heavy Gatling Guns with Coffee Mills in age IV with regulars are still impossible to counter. Gatlings are just too cheap and easy to spam for how good they are. They are cheaper than culverins. I had similar eco as malta, I tried every combination I could think of and it didn’t matter. Mass lancers, no. Fire thrower + culverins, no. Mass falconets, no. Dragoons don’t have a chance at all. What exactly am I supposed to use to counter this? The guy just kept spamming regulars + gatling + culverins all game because he knows there is no counter to it. And then of course he GG ez-ed me before the game was even over and he unpaused the game immediately after I paused it.


Coffee Mill Guns should not be in the game at all in its form. The only other unit that can continuously fire is the Chinese Flamethrower but that one is practically melee and can thus be easily countered by cav, Gatlings on the other hand are a cheap stream of damage with aoe (the main probelm is that the aoe stacks while regular artillery only causes aoe when it shoots once, Gatlings do on every shot) that is nearly impossible to stop if the enemy puts enough bodies between them and the enemy and no negative multipler that basically removes their damage almost entirely can stop it. Sure every other artillery piece except mortars counter them, but everyone loses artillery at some point, but when facing regular artillery you have time between shots to deal damage or retreat while Gatlings immediately tear you apart. They should change Coffee Mill Guns to improve Gatlings HP in some other way while increasing cost and maybe nerf their aoe in general.


It was bad behaviour for sure from opponent, but I think culverin takes out gatling gun in one shot. Why does culverin not counter gatlings?

the opponent has their own culvs so tbh i think they lost the culv war, which is a death sentence in most games

It does but they have culverin too. If you make all culverin, then if you do manage to beat all of his gatling, you have a bunch of helpless artillery which a few muskets can charge and take down. Culverins are useless versus anything else, unlike the carded gatling which STILL beat everything else, even after the cavalry nerf. The thing is coffee mill heavy gatling take down all other units so quickly that you cannot afford to have anything other than culverins anywhere near them. So you’re going to have a ton of culverins shooting at regulars and gatlings and culverins. You can’t have anything other than culverins within range of the gatlings. The gatlings just kill all non-culverin units way too quickly. A wall of falconets would work except he will have culverins.

I think the devs want to encourage the use of multiple units, to do this you need to make an age IV gatling be still countered by age IV cavalry and/or goons. An equal population of age IV lancers is supposed to counter an equal population of regulars + artillery, but it doesn’t. Why would a USA player ever build a stable? (Hint: they rarely do).

If you compare a heavy coffee mill gatling to a heavy cannon, which can only be produced by a factory, the gatling is far far far superior. It should be the same strength as a heavy cannon, or maybe a LITTLE higher due to the card. You can counter heavy cannons with cav.


Still better than my civ Inca that doesn’t even get culverins xD

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you should only be making like 4 max tbh

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