General AI problems

The topic will be updated :slight_smile:

Also, many old AI bugs still haven’t been fixed. Here are the topics with new AI bugs and you can also find here all other AI bugs that I have ever found.


General topic of AI bugs The AI is terrible - #181 by VisionedTuba52

All AI Civilizations do not use the Man The Sails ability

I also noticed that only new AI Civilizations build Lumber Camp normally, I mean that when the AI is running out of wood, the AI destroys the Lumber Camp and does not build more. And the AI of old civilizations still builds a huge number of Lumber Camp and does not remove them .

The AI is still the same as before but less likely to leave its villagers without action . In the late game.

AI chop wood less often in the beginning and thus takes longer to build houses and AI lacks villagers .

@NovaFox9121 @Cobaltdragon913 Can you please take a look.