Germans need Age II Unit

Pathfinding issues gold intensive unit… please dont offend me

I will test out maybe there is a chance for me

Germans represent the HRE, of which the landsknecht/dopplensoldner is very common and one of the icons of feudalism so present within the HRE.

The things you described are more just Prussian, not Germany in its whole.

Also like already said, Germans are very good at FF, and have no reason to stay age II. In the mean time you get free military units from shipments so you can raid and even defend with them.

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It’s also obvious for me that Doppësoldner cost 200 recourses each. Plus the fact that they occupy 2 population slots each, so you will also need to put the wood you will need to make lots of houses to support this population on the equation, and you will see that Doppelsödner costs a lot to be massed on the colonial age, differently from the musketeers.

It’s different on the late game, when you ecosystem is running and you can recruit lots of Doppelsödner, because that’s when they get really good, exactly because of the splash damage. The nature of the splash damage makes they be really good in bigger quantities, because will be a lots of hits on a lot of enemies at the same time, they will just melt the enemy army. 5 of they won’t help to much. But, 20, 30, 40 of them are a really big threat.

Also, don’t be rude. I sincerely love this kind of discussions because there is a lot of knowledge and experiences exchange going on, it’s really annoying when somebody just keeps being aggressive instead of trying to give arguments and share his knowledge.

I think a crossbowman’s fire rate upgrade will actually benefit a lot of other civilizations other than the Germans. Like the Portuguese that have a special upgrade for they, and the Spanish that have a similar situation to the Germans. I think will add another option for all these civilizations.

Honestly, I didn’t knew that the markets upgrades also increases the limits on the mines. Does that work with the cards upgrades like ironmonger and silversmith?

The video you showed is a fast fortress build. I admit they are very good on late fortress/industrial age stages of the game. But how would recommend to mass they on the colonial? I’m think maybe if I aged up with the wood and send a shipment of additional 700 wood would allow me to construct a barracks and 8-9 houses to support the high population that the Doppelsödner requires, those builds hopefully will give me enough experience to another shipment, that I can use on capitalism card or straight 700 gold to help mass them. I gonna try around see if I can came up with a deck.

Germany is Tier 1 civ , idk what is the problem , lammer civ , strong eco , one of strongest army in fortress ,super fast FF, mercenaries , good cards …what more u want? musks ? really? hussars too? in my opinion hulans 180 health nerf was correct and they are like TAD , pray for no nerfs because is super strong civ lol

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HEY! Speak politely or go away!

Dude what if Im not a Tier 1 Player who can “just” perform normal ff and not super ultra fast ff and get farmed by an enemy who attack me like 5 min after start of match? What than dude…

There is now an infinite card wich gives you 2 towers age 2, so every european civ can turtle, and you can use the house pop card, It makes 3 houses give you 100 pop on original (I think it was a bug should be 70 pop) I like to use that card, and it’s important for mercenaries too, but for some player it’s dificult to survive age 2 without musk, agreed, then go turtle and watch their rush die, some little walls and towers

In my opinion, buffing xbows, pikes, and dopps would be good for them and other civs. Xbows and pikes are really bad for their cost and dopps are not very viable in the early game.


Finally getting somewhere. Then don’t suggest changes when you admit it’s actually pretty powerful, but you didn’t use it right, choose a different civ that suits your needs better.

Variability on the gameplay. Again, I don’t think is nobody’s point that Germany is a weak civilization. But they are a strong civilization on a very specific strategy of fast fortressing, and I don’t want to just fast fortress all the time because the game gets repetitive.

I particularly don’t want for they to have musketeers, but I think the crossbowman should have a rate of fire of 2 instead of 3. This would add another option to not only Germany, but also Spain and Portugal (Because of the Besteiros upgrade). I think this will add some more dynamic to the game.

To be honest, I don’t have the new Definitive Edition, just the Asian Dynasties. :sweat_smile:

I have been trying the Doppelsödner on age 2 deck around, but without success yet. But I have been able to create like 20 on 10 minutes mark, I think with some refinement it might work.

I can pull the fast fortress the majority of the time, but I don’t know, I particularly just want some new strategies for Germany that is not fast fortressing. It’s make playing they be boring and repetitive. :confused:

I have been trying around the pikeman rush, but it’s just not as good as the French or Spanish counterparts. The mercenary build actually works, and is a viable strategy. But I still think Germany need some more variables on the gameplay, so it’s not just this dull every time fast fortressing civilization. And the crossbowman’s improved fire rate should help on that.

Totallly agree, pikes and bows sucks and cost wood… doppel is to much expensive and slow…

And others melee units need a buf like Jaguars, Skull Knight, Macemen, Rods…Landsquenecht!!


Actually Germany can do a very powerful eraly rush. They age early anyway. So chop wood in transition for a tower, send SW towards enemy, build tower, rax, mb two. Send a shipment or two and built a batch of pikes - voila, you got a decent army to rush evectivly, denying, killing stuff etc.

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This is the well know tower rush and is indeed very strong vs some civs, me and my friend made some tests with doppel and He suggests a buff to that unit take a look: Unit testing, true cost ratio

I think xbows are fine, problem is that they have been extremely powercreeped. In aoe 3 vanilla this unit was still balanced more ore less.

I think they reduced their damage or range in the war chiefs expansion. But considering they are supposed to be anti heavy infantry units, they have the lowest multiplier against them at 1.25x while Aennas and Cetan bowmen have 2x. Longbowmen have 1.25x but that is understandable because they shoot twice as fast. Pikemen could use a buff in damage to make them more effective against cav (especially in the late game).

There are no Musketeers in Germany, so there are unique mercenary enhancements
You must quickly and professionally switch to restrain the opponent’s troops.
They are slow and powerful so you must carefully control your troops.

Conclusion: Germany is a professional and not suitable for novice players
I hope the card can allow the training of Fusilier instead of Ronin
(ps: I did not satirize a country that has fast musketeers and mercenary reinforcements)