Give Trademillcrane to Britons for DM

let me ask you this - why does britons need a buff? the pros already consider them one of the top civs in the game?

Well. Goths do rely heavily on their Unique unit. Huns, not so much.

I talked about the important difference here that while Huns and Goths lack Treadmill Crane, they can make their Unique units at their Stables or Barracks respectively.

Someone made a comparison that just because Huns and Goths got faster stables and barracks, they got Treadmill Crane removed. The most important difference here is the ability to make their Unique units outside their Castle.

goths are designed around using their unique unit, and they still don’t get treadmill crane.

and that has no bearing on britons.

to you that may be true, but what if it was a balancing mechanism? these civs can pump out units faster, so it makes sense to balance that, they make their buildings slightly slower. they still come out ahead in the long run and Britons are already a top tier civ in teh game.

Well, that is true. The pros are mostly talking about 1v1 Arabia
 which is largely decided by the early game, not late game. This merely buffs their late game a little bit.

If you have been playing Age Of Empires 2 for over a decade, you would also know that the Britons got access to War Wolf, Heavy Scorpion and Cannon Galleons from the Forgotten Empires onwards 
 they were still considered a top tier civilization even before these ‘buffs’. Now, what did these ‘buffs’ do? Heavy scorpion buffed their late game Siege a tiny bit. War Wolf tech did something similar. Cannon Galleon was added to prevent making them irrelevant on water maps.

As I said, This isn’t much of a buff. Britons become downright useless late Imperial age - Giving them Treadmill Crane only mitigates that a little bit.

but if they are already doing fine in the early and mid game, why does their late game need buffs too?
also Arabia makes up 60% of all games played right now and 75% at the highest level.

oh no, a civ that is insanely strong until you get to mid imp has a weakness afterwords? better fix that!

I understand that Goths are designed around their Unique unit and Britons are designed around Foot Archers. Are you suggesting using Arbelesters from the Archery range until one has enough Castles? I do that but I would rather be able to mass Longbowmen.

Well, that is possible. I don’t know whether you have played this game back in the Age Of Kings days. Back then, Town Centers didn’t cost stone and they added the stone cost to largely nerf the British town center discount. Also, back in the early days, I remember the Goths and Huns used to have Treadmill crane.

In the Forgotten, they modified the Goth perfusion tech to make it even faster and removed Treadmill Crane for the Goths.

For the Huns, they added the Marauders tech and removed Treadmill Crane for the Huns.

See the pattern? It was done to balance out unique unit creation.

Check the change logs here:

just because you prefer something doesn’t mean its optimal play.

the game was horribly imbalanced in the AoK days. theres a reason Halbs, Bloodlines, etc were all added. there is a reason the pop cap was raised from 75.

or it was done because goths were getting their butts for huns, you don’t really make tarkans anyway except in death match.

Not really. It just pushed them more towards Infantry.

This is true.

Well, there are civs like that like the Persians for example.

Like I said, this is not a huge buff. It is minor
 like giving them heavy scorpion.

goths were a bad civ up until some of the DE changes. even now they are still fairly mediocre and only picked as a mayans counter

the persians who aren’t even seeing much play lately and were nerfed because they had it all?

doesn’t matter, Civs like britons (mayans, aztecs, celts, khmer, lithuanians, franks) DON’T need buffs.

Well, I was not aware of this.

I mean Persians are super strong throughout the game like S tier. Britons are A tier.

I dunno about Lithuanians and the Britons but yeah gotta agree with you about Mayans, Aztecs, Celts, Khmer and Franks.

Persians WERE S tier, before they got nerfed. go check how many times they have been played in KoTD3.

1 game played.

Lithuanians and Britons are fine.

Maybe I have not been following closely enough.

I do remember seeing another video of this Hera guy saying that Britons are A tier
 maybe it was an older video.

probably an older video.