Hausa mechanics

What church? You build had university and TP.

You’re confusing the church with the university again my friend.

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correct I am misusing the TERM
 the UNVERSITY paired with your TC generates as much as 10 cows worth of influence. PLus if you send TWO age 1 cards you’ll go into age 2 with FOUR COWS and 80% conversion rate on wood.

Is latest nerf really made Hausa only good for rushing? Previously you had an option to have decent economy and military but now it looks like your econ will always be behind any civ which has 3 vil shipment and eco options in second age (banks, extra villagers, settler wagons, 5 vil shipments etc)

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you’ll naturally behind at the start but you’ll catch up and in some case surpass standard civs by mid age 2 because of cows.

IMO play hausa with the assumption that you’re not a standard eco but instead a momentum civ: cows take time to fatten, influence takes time to slowly accumulate. Hausa has decent defensive play with house/palace minutemen

They definitely need to put 3v card back, no idea what they were thinking removing it.

Actually they don’t. The 4 cow opening is much more interesting.

Not for me, I liked the standard 3v, the cows aren’t that great because the value starts so low now.

What do you do with your 4 cows? I like to play greedy, never was into the hausa tower rush etc.

The 4 cows are semi fattened. You can get to fortresses without mining gold. In firtress you can get a second tc without chopping wood or spending a shipment. You get a huge stockpile of food that you can spend in villagers. You can be greedy, just in a different way.

And in case someone tries to bother you, you can always adjust and sell cows to get units.

So you wait until 2 cows are worth 500 gold? I’m guessing you age up with hausa to get a tc builder for 400 influence?

you can play very very very greedy with your 4 cows. lets think VALUE.

a 3 villager shipment once it arrives and assuming your villagers are CONSTANTLY WORKING is worth 3 Villager_seconds PER second. Of course villagers have the mostly unique advantage that they can be upgrade.

But how are we gonna calculate VALUE of a villager shipment? Well we need to consider the villagers over a time. Let’s say you’re god at not losing villagers and have ZERO IDLE TIME for a whole 5 minutes since your 3 villager shipment arrived. That would be a total VALUE of 900 Villager_seconds!!! Now lets apply that villager seconds on any resource u want.
WOOD= 900*.5*(1.25 wood upgrades)= 562.5 wood (notice i gave you full upgrades for the whole 900 seconds)
FOOD= 900*.84*(1.25 food + granary upgrades) = 945 food
COIN= 900*.6*(1.3 coin upgrades)= 702 coin

Again notice I gave you FULL UPGRADES for a full 5 minutes of IDLESS gathering for your 3 villagers

now lets look at the 4 cows that start @ 200 food. In age 1 the market-livestock fattening rate is .52 food/s then in age 2 and beyond its .74 food/ s. The upgrade gives a 25% on the respective base rate. If you sent the 4 cows as your first shipment at 100 seconds into the game and they arrive @ 140 seconds into the game. Then lets say you click up to age 2 at 3:36 (very late). That would be 166 seconds of age 1 fattening rate for a total of
200+.52*166= 286 food per cow times 4 cows = 1144 food total @ 166 seconds SINCE you shipped the cows

As you can already see WITHOUT fattening upgrades, a late age up, @ only 166 seconds after the shipment the 4 cows is worth MORE than FIVE MINUTES OF 3 VILLAGERS WORKING WITH ZERO IDLE TIME AND 25% MARKET UPGRADES!

Nevermind the fact that fulani archer can double as villagers eating your fatten cows, nevermind fatten cows will make for great conversion of food into wood/coin.

Lastly cows in general are great for a FF or FI plan as you don’t have to leave your base IFFF you have sufficient coin mines! So you can really turtle for some powerful shipments/units, especially since Hausa has good defenses.


Great analysis thanks for all that info. Will reconsider using the 4 cows now for sure.

Are all the cow upgrades worth it in your opinion? Like the 1 that makes them trickle more influence or the 1 that replaces them with a new cow.

the 25% is useful all around get that one as soon as it is affordable without compromising your Main macro. The faster cows fatten the more you get from them in conversions and the sooner they get full fatten to produce max influence per second. And absolutely get the + .15 influence per cow tech. IMO this tech is what makes influence units viable to batch. The last buff that allows you to get a unfatten cow for any fully fatten cow traded is niche, since it only benefits fully fatten cows. In a game you’ll likely to hit that trade button at all kinda times whether the cows are fully fatten or not.

Edit on the 4 cows analysis.
Yes 4 cows in the scenario described would be worth a total of 1144 food BUT!! It takes villager seconds to EAT them AND you won’t get 100% of the food
 sooo let’s ASSUME you’re using 5 villagers to gather cows one at a time.

If you gather the cows at the granary (as you should) you’ll have a gather rate of 2.2 food/s per villager for a total of 11 food/s. However there is a 1 food/s decay on all dead animals (very very stupid mech on herables
 very very very stupid
 take notice AGE 4 doesnt do this anymore
 I digress).

so the 286 food cow will take 23.8333 seconds for 5 villagers to gather and only generate 262 food. Do this 3 more times for a total gather time of 95.33 seconds and a total food of 1048 food.

Finally to be fair since it took us VILLAGER_SECONDS to gather the cows we need to SUBTRACT those Villager_seconds FROM the VALUE of the 1048 food. Next, since I used 25% food upgrades in the first scenario I will use it again here to value the 1048 food: 1048/(1.25*.84)= 998 Villager_seconds. Subtract the 95.33 from 998 and you have 902.7 . Which is just about the value of the 3 villagers OVER 5 MINUTES OF IDLESS GATHERING TIME.

SO STILL IMO, given the momentum mech of this civ, getting 900 VS in only 166 seconds as oppose to 900 VS in 5 minutes!!! Is a big deal!

Average game last 15 mins, check the same calculations assuming 15 mins not 5 mins timeframe. Those first 3 villagers will still be producing food but eaten cows will not. So calculations at 5 minute interval is misleading.

no, you misunderstood
 Those 3 villagers are only worth 3 villager ASSUMING you don’t LOSE ANNYY villagers within the 5 min window. You telling me its typical to lose 0 villagers in 15mins??? I watch top player games and still see them lose villagers, somehow in a nontreaty game you got 15mins of idless villager gather time???

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You still have the desert raiders
they serve you to rush in the early ages
as if you played with the lakotas

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You and your opponent will have equal chances of loosing those 3 villagers or having them idle. I’m saying that Hausa economy will always be behind at LEAST 3 villagers for full duration of average game time.

eu tinha esquecido dessas unidades

Just wanted to thank you for making the 4 cow and fattening upgrade analysis, I previously researched it during age-up but will now try to prioritize it before granary upgrade. I also had a suspicion that 4 cow was more optimal than 3 vill before which was why I was puzzled by the 3 vil removal as it seems to just funnel hausa into more optimal builds.

No. Once you get to fortresses, you will get your tcs up faster, and recover the 3 villagers. Hell, you can get 5 tcs as well. Hausa is probably the greediest civ right now.