I have seen that the door unit before being built gives the option to choose between the different positions of doors and in the Advance Genie Editor 3 I see that it is achieved by annexing the other doors, in other mods I have seen that for example with the “sea passage” it becomes similar to the door but that it does that function of choosing between different doors, which at the same time are other units as I show in the images.
What I’m trying to do is that a unit builds a barricade and that before putting it up you can choose between the different positions of the barricade.
Is it possible to do what I’m looking for?
I would very much appreciate the help
the gate rotation of different position is probably hard coded. meaning if you don’t use replacement method from existing gate IDs, rotation to different position most likely won’t work.
you can try create brand new units and see if they rotate, if they don’t then you’ll have the answer
I have some questions on the .dat files since the MTR DLC. Anyone can advise?
In the case of the doors with turning the mouse wheel rotates the different units of “gate” but if we use the “sea gate” with giving the CTRL key + the mouse wheel, it rotates to other units of the sea gate. I’m going to clone the sea gate and I’m going to make it “rotate” if it doesn’t work it means that if it’s coded, if it works this can be used for, for example, a military unit to construct different buildings by rotating the mouse
I tested this before but that was about 2+ yaers ago. back then it didnt work but its worth testing it again because they often change stuff and some are even unintended which will never be part of patch note.
this is why its almost pointless to document what behavior works in Genie (aside from obvious and official intended stuff) because stuff will always change down the road based on their patches.
if they dont work, try making a thread asking for that feature. they have unhardcode a lot of stuff and this definitely needs to be one of them and it’ll give us a lot more freedom not tie to existing units
I’ve already tried it. I clone the sea gate and it didn’t work, in fact that function is encoded, it doesn’t matter in the future maybe they decode it as you mentioned
thenthey would have to add a rotation feature for specific unit