Here's how to get rid of AOE2 DE censor entirely:

It would be like abusing a deaf person. 11

That’s actually a bad idea.
You want a game to be fixed you gotta keep pressure.

tbf, these are being fixed and have been fixed for the most part.

But again, this is not a good strat for the devs

Oh, are they? Because yesterday I tried typing to my friends “lol bot was ahead of you” and it got censored. Like really? This censor system is a joke. Even if I manage to type something in the chat and it doesn’t get censored, it is shown with such delay that I thought I have problems with internet connection. As much as I appreciate everything that devs do, this and limited time events are cancer of this game.


Has there ever been any statement to WHY we have a mandatory chat filter?
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in a game, even if it worked well (which of course it doesnt) and I really would like to see what the official statement regarding this is.


Nowhere I said fully fixed. Literally even I hate the censor shit.

You’ve been asking people to leave the game since day 1, so not you mate, not you.
You are the one smoking here.
Since I remember you were being “don’t buy from MS” since maybe a month after the release of the game.

They improved it, it still is bugged and I don’t agree with it’s existence, but they did something.

Same here.

The community is what kept this game alive for 20 years. Without this community many things would never happen. So, you can hate MS all you want, but not the community that has nothing to do with the development of DE


I’m closing this topic because there has been too many attempts to circumvent the word censor on the forums which is against the forum code of conduct.