Hi Devs, I just wanted to say something

I just wanted to say something.

While I still adore the frequent updates AoE3:DE gets, for a while I’m very upset about the following:

With the arrival AoE3:DE, the online experience was totally destroyed. I compare this with ESO, from the legacy AoE3. Since we’re still not able to see who’s online and do not have a decent friends list, a lot of matches don’t occur. Players don’t meet each other online and that leads to a lonely feeling. Not seeing your fellow (high or low skilled) friends results in feeling lonely and a lot of missed games. Think about how it went on ESO (legacy online). The friends list was always on top and you could easily invite your fellow high or low skilled friends. The fact that the group of high level skilled players is small and there is no way to interact with each other in game, leads to these players leaving. Most of them already left.

Also, lower skilled players don’t make friends easily.

Conclusion: making new friends is hard and that influences the joy of the game. Being online in AoE3:DE feels lonely.

Please devs, also see this topic: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved

Thanks :slight_smile:

This image shows a screenshot of ESO in 2014. The friends list was always on top. Friends sent messages to you fast and easily. This promoted social cohesion and was very enjoyable.


It’s been requested for quite some time, but I don’t think it will be implemented, since so many of these features are already present with Steam or MS.


Bad news but we already knew the answer unfortunately. We don’t seem to be very happy with how it works for steam, there is a friends list in the game why not make it work better? Aoe2De and Aoe4 have a working friends list where he does what eso used to do in a more evolved way.

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