Hi all,
I am really new to modding, but I would like to add a mod for the istory enthusiats, which thereof are many in AoE2.
When a game started, even a single player or ranked one, the mod shall read in the Player’s Civ, and I would have big table (600+ rows) in csv (or any other format), where it would read specific information off. It would then show a Text box with some interesting historical context regarding previous wars. I read a little how that would be possible:
Reading of player civs would need to be triggers, but I would have to make a trigger for each of the 45 different civs. And still, it would not be possible to show the Text box in all games, e.g. quick games or so.
Does anybody have a good heads-up for me or even an existing mod which I could re-write?
Thanks in advance,