Hotkey profiles for Mods

Not allowing players to keep their custom hotkey profiles to play data mods is the stupidest decision effecting ugc. Players are not going to remake their hotkey set up for every modded game they try so there is a large amount of the player base that won’t queue up in mods.

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yep. its a clear oversight whoever made this, intentions were good but very poor execution, and thats just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. keys sometime reset for few players due to game issue, and they gotta re-do all their keys again
  2. if you add new keys to hotkeys.json, the new keys don’t work for players that already changed them, they gotta reset and redo everything again.

when it was first introduced it was worse:
3. if mod online and offline have different name, they generate different hotkey profile (this one is now addressed) but 1 and 2 are much bigger imo.