How many civs total and which? đŸ˜±

Tbh what “minor overlaps” mean is completely subjective, but for example the way the Ethiopian bonus would overlap with extra food eaxh age (something like +125/250/500 food at feudal/castle/imperial age) or something like how currently three civs have cheaper scouts and how Aztecs and Burmese both have extra attack on infantry but despite having a lot of similarities these bonuses end up playing off diferently

Depends on the case.

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Basically the important thing is to make overlaps have advantages and disadvantages as well as odeally quirks in how they affect the game

Edit: And also unless dealing with UTs vs bonuses, make bonuses be more broad or more specific depending on the case

50 civs is perfect number for marketing. too many will be bad

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Marketing wise “now with 2 more civs” will probably always be better than “this is an old game tha’s no longer expanded upon, but it has a medium-high amount of existing content”.

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45 is the ideal limit for me and let the modders make the last 3 civis. Swiss Georgia Venice will be enough for my taste unless they sneak in Tibet somehow.


3 african civs next will be a much better option considering africa is huge, needs more civs and their architecture set hasn’t been used much. Not only this, here just look at this


Let me reply to this by repeating myself


like the African empires we’re missing which should absolutely be part of this game.


Exactly. That’s why the devs should add African and Asian civs, not Europeans where there aren’t any important civs left.

This is not confirmed.


Civis that can be added should be added must be added are completely different things based on personal preference.

That is subjective


Africa has plenty of important civs worth adding lol

Qt least better than Mississippians


Well there is not much room left if they don’t start reusing bonuses (take one bonus from 4 separate civs for example) or introduce more ‘stuff’ like upgrades/regional units/game mechanics. Things like this


I disagree with that.

I’d be happy to hear what you think

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Would giving you more civ designs be enough to convince you that we still can design civs without reusing stuff?

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Because it seems like people here dont believe what I say

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But I don’t care if some stuff is reused but still, shoot

This will take a while btw

Infantry and naval civilization
Newly built docks spawn a fishing ship
Spearmen cost no wood
Skirmishers cost no food
Buildings +2 line of sight
Team Bonus: Skirmishers +2 vs siege
Frontline Axeman (infantry)
Hit Points: 70 (80) Unit Cost: 65F 60G
Attack: 9 (11) ROF: 1.8
Armor: 5/1 (8/1) Range: 2
Upgrade: 1200F 800G Speed: 0.75
Kitara expansionism
<Militia moves 35% faster>
Cost: 400F 200W(although this is mostly to have
Canoe Warfare
< Fire ships deal blast damage>
Cost: 300F 300G

(This civ could have both as castle age techs tbh)

Missing techs:

  • Barracks: champion, halberdier, eagle scout
  • Archery range: cavalry archer, elephant archer, hand canoneer, parthian tactics
  • Stable: no stable
  • Blacksmith: cavalry armour, last archer armour
  • Siege workshop: siege ram, bombard cannon, siege elephant
  • Monastery: Fervor, attonoment, heresy, faith
  • University: Keep, fortified wall, bombard tower, archiytecture
Cavalry civilization
Recieve 150/300/450 gold at feudal/castle/imperial age
Scout cavalry, spearman and skirmisher upgrades half cost
Stable units +2 attack starting at castle age
Team Bonus: Units csn garrison at monasteries
Vlastela (cavalry)
Hit Points: 50 (60) Unit Cost: 60F 45G
Attack: 30 (40) ROF: 2
Armor: 3/3 (4/4) Range: 0
Upgrade: 900F 500G Speed: 1.4
Imperial Hussar
Hit Points: 90 Unit Cost: 80F
Attack: 7 ROF: 1.7
Armor: 0/2 Range: 0
Upgrade: 800F 700G Speed: 1.5
+ 12 vs monks
Pronijar cavalry(castle age)
<Cavalry archers +2/2 armour>
Cost: 200F 400G
Lazar mercenaries(imperial age)
<Infantry units +6 vs buildings and villagers>
Cost: 400F 300W

Missing techs:

  • Barracks: eagle scout
  • Archery range: arbalester, elephant archer
  • Stable: bloodlines, camel, battle elephant, steppe lancer
  • Blacksmith: /
  • Siege workshop: Siege ram, siege onager, siege elephant
  • Monastery: redemption, fervor
  • University: architecture, keep, bombard tower, heated shot, fortified wall
  • Economy: Cro rotation, two man saw
Defensive and gunpowder civilization
Fire ships cost 15% less
Spearman and skirmisher +25% hit points
Castle age is 33% cheaper
Fortifications fire 18% faster
Team Bonus: Repairers work 100% faster
Malassay (cavalry archer)
HP: 50 (55) Upgrade: 700F 750G
Unit Cost: 35W 75G ROF: 2
Attack: 6 (7) Range: 4
Armor: 0/3 Speed: 1.45
+3 (5) vs archers
Barawa Architecture
< Buildings regenerate>
Cost: 400W 100S
Red Sea Trade
<Gunpowder units +5 melee armour>
Cost: 650F 300G

Missing techs:

  • Barracks: eagles
  • Archery range: elephants
  • Stable: elephants, paladin, steppe lancers
  • Blacksmith: blast furnace
  • Siege workshop: siege ram, siege onager
  • University: treadmill crane
Cavalry and siege civilization
Villagers work 5% faster
Siege workshop cost -100 wood
Trebuchets are 25% cheaper
Team Bonus: Mill, mining camp and lumber camp +4 LoS
Hwacha (siege weapon)
Hit Points: 50 (60) Unit Cost: 150W 130G
Attack: 10 (12) ROF: 6
Armor: 1/3 (1/6) Range: 5 (6)
Upgrade: 1000W 500G Speed: 0.8
Fires 5 (6) projectiles Blast 0.5
Huihui Pao
<Mangonels, hwacha, scorpions and trebuchets track moving units>
Cost: 300F 400G
Guazi Ma
<Knights, camels and steppe lancers deal blast damage>
Cost: 900F 500G

Miising techs:

  • Barracks: halberdier, champion, supplies
  • Archery range: arbalester, thumb ring, eles
  • Stable: paladin, battle elephant
  • Blacksmith: last infantry armour
  • Siege workshop: onager
  • University: architecture, treadmill crane, heated shot
Cavalry and monk civilization
Villagers can garrison at economic buildings
Previous age tecnologies become 50% cheaper
Recieves +50 food, wood, gold and stone each age up
Knights and monaspa cost -5 gold for every captured relic
Monks +1 range
Team Bonus: Monks +3 monk armour, +2 LoS
Hit Points: 90 (130) Unit Cost: 50F 65G
Attack: 9 (11) ROF: 1.8
Armor: 1/2 (2/2) Range: 0
Upgrade: 1200F 800G Speed: 1.4
+5 (8) vs cavalry, +4 (6) vs camels
< Cavalry regenerates>
Cost: 400W 200S
<Monks +1 range>
Cost: 600F 200G

Missing techs:

  • Barracks: eagle scout, supplies
  • Archery range: arbs, thumb ring, elephants
  • Stable: camels, elephants, steppe lancer
  • Blacksmith: Bracer, ring archer armour
  • Siege workshop: siege ram, siege onager, heavy scorpion, eles
  • Monastery: /
  • University: treadmill crane
  • Economy: crop rotation

Also I have already shared a few others