Civilization Concepts!

I will start with the kingdom of Benin from the coasts of Nigeria created by the Edo people, a civ thst would also represent the Yoruba and other peoples from Southern Nigeria (btw you can click on the bonuses to see the details for why I chose that bonus).

Infantry civilization

Recieve +125/250/375 food at feudal/castle/imperial age

Southern Nigeria was a region with plenty of food, and the region controled by the Edo was no exception.

While its sort of just a random economic bonus that coukd be used almost anywhere, Benin had a vibrant economy

Scale mail armour, chain mail armour and plate mail armour free

Beninese army was considered by the Portuguese to be the most well organized military force of western africa and Beninese were also known as

Fortified walls and hoardings free

Benin was always known by its walls and the city of Benin was itself very well placed for defense, warfare for most of the people of the region also was based around fortifications

Team bonus:

Villagers can build rams starting at castle age

Since fortificatione were importsnt through the region sieges were an important part of warfare as well. Since wheels werent commonly used on Africa I thought villagers building rams would be appropiate

Unique unit: Legion (heavy infantry unit with attack bonus vs cavalry and high pierce armour, weak vs siege and heavy infantry)
Hit Points: 60 (70) Unit Cost: 60F 30G
Attack: 6 (8) ROF: 2
Armor: 1/3 (1/5) Range: 0
Upgrade: 1250F 500G Speed: 0.9

  • 16 (22) vs cavalry

Unique techs:

Castle age: Ife Ife - 250F 250W

Units can garrison at monasteries for healing, garrisoned units heal 10 times faster

A filler tech, Ife ife was a sacred city of both the Edo and Yoruba people

Imperial age: Queen’s Guard - 525F 475G

Militia and spearmen attack 60% faster

They needed a last push for infantry I would say, this bonus while comparable to japanese in its effect to the militis line thanks to missing champions is substancially worse for their spears.

Missing techs:

  • Barracks: Champion, halberdier

  • Archery range: cavalry archer, hand canoneer

  • Stable: husbandry, paladin, camel, battle elephant, steppe lancer

  • Blacksmith: plate barding armour, ring archer armour

  • Siege workshop: bombard cannon, siege onager

  • Monastery: Redemption, illumination

  • University: heated shot

  • Dock: elite cannon galleon, heavy demolition ship, dry dock

  • Economy: /

  • Castle: /

Campaign: Ewuare I

Wonder: Oba’s palace

Im not really sure how balanced this is but tell me how balanced it is. I will maybe add a history section later.