How to build a custom Home City Deck in the scenario editor ? With a xml file?

Thanks for the reply, I will try :+1:

It was easier in the original game with the level reset trick. But until the editor is fixed I have no other options.

Small fun fact about scenario home cities. Someone asked on the discord server if it was possible to choose your own home city on a simple “map” scenario. Obviously it is not possible, except in one case:

In multiplayer when you play a more recent civ than the scenario.
For exemple, play Mexicans on a scenario made before the Mexican update:

I think, there is no default mexican deck saved in the scenario, so the game allows to choose your own deck.
What’s weird is that it doesn’t work in singleplayer/skirmish :thinking:

So an option can be created by the devs which removes all default home city saved in the scenario and allows players to choose there own decks (let me dream).

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