This is a call for help to developers.
I’m a big fan of scenario editors in Age of Empires. And especially that of age of empires 3. Since the release of the game in 2005 I have spent more hours in it than in skirmish or multiplayer.
With the definitive edition there are so many new civilizations and game mechanics that inspire me to create scenarios. I’m having even more fun than before. Except that…
There are terrible things that frustrate me and need to be fixed. My worst nightmare is to see the end of the game support without these basics features…
1. Fix the terrible home city editor bug
This is a feature that worked in the original game!!! *
*You might have to use some tricks (like reset the home city level), but it worked!
Scenarios are bland without home cities, what a pity to have to disable them every time…
I talk about it here in detail. In addition to listing bug reports from other users (@MacabiWarrior @CitingPepper233 and @Rockhounder1 ) that are ignored by the devs:
Additional request: add an option to allow players to use their own decks for certain maps. I found a bug that allows to do it in a very specific case (3rd post of this thread). I know it’s technically possible.
2. Allow to convert a trade route into a water route
I really liked the introduction of the water routes. There is so much potential for naval scenarios.
But it’s impossible to create them in the scenario editor. There is just a missing user interface between me and the existing code to create them. It’s extremely frustrating…
3. Save automatically a scenario mod in the scenario folder
I like to share my creations, but they are quite inaccessible for ordinary users. Subscribing a scenario mod requires going into the folders and manually moving it to the correct scenario folder.
This is a basic feature that age of empires 2 has, but age of empires 3 does not. Many people asked me how to install a map in comments. I answer them, but it’s not up to them to do the installation, it’s up to the game. What’s the point of having an official mod center if it doesn’t do its job?
@Troteck has created an installation tutorial for this, but I think they would also like it to be done automatically.
4. Create an usable dialog trigger
And finally a request from @Amianto3279, to fix the existing dialogue triggers or to create a new one that allows to personalize it (or to create a more neutral one). Adding good dialogues in a scenario is important.
Furthermore, current dialog triggers do not accept special characters. To write in a language other than English is complicated.