How to change "Special Ability" attribute in the Editor (without .dat alteration)

Hey there.

I’ve noticed the other day that the Monoreme ship line had a “rushing” ability while charging enemy until impact. So I thought: “that could be so cool on cavalry units”.
I managed to determine which attribute to modify within AGE but I’d like to do it in custom scenario without relaying on any datamods.

The attribute name is “Special Ability” (or “CharingMode” in AGE source code) which seems to have multiple options:

  1. block incoming ranged damage while idle, reducing 1/3 dmg.
  2. counter-attack on first hit while idle until the unit has not more than 0.2range
  3. charge making speed increase when near target and x2 dmg on first hit

4-5-6 are options for ships boarding mechanics that I did not really understand, those info are from AGE directly and I’ve tested so far only the option 3, which works perfectly on cavalry / wolfs / bears units if you set their “charge event” properly, it needs a charged attack to activate the speed charing.

But so far I’ve not managed to find how to modify that Special Ability attributes directly in the editor.

Still not figured out how to change this field in live gameplay. I’ve tryharded with XS script to atempt determine the Attribute numercial ID but not succeed so far.

Probably not a registered attribute for now.

AGE edits only,and scenario editor cannot edit.