I think it’s generally agreed upon that Malta is in a poor spot, both in Treaty and Supremacy. In Supremacy, they have an extremely hard dealing with 2 Falc pushes and have limited options. In treaty, they have a lot of issues, but any buffs for treaty would require careful handling to avoid creating issues in Supremacy.
Rather than a wishlist of requests for new things (which could be used to buff the civ), I’m working with the assumption that the new asset budget will be $0. Everything must be stat modifications, or must recycle currently existing assets. No new mechanics can be added.
- Add the tag that allows Sentinels to benefit from Incendiary Grenades.
- Guard Sentinels now adds +2 Musket range and +1 Rocket range.
- Imperial Sentinels now adds +3 Rocket and Musket range.
Currently Sentinels are great in age 2, mediocre in age 3, and then have a nice power spike in age 4 after getting +45% stats from Flintlock Rockets. After that they are basically phased out. It’s not bad for units to have their place before going away, but Malta could really use a good Musketeer in the late game. Allowing Sentinels some AoE from IG will help substantially later on, and may open up an interesting Logistician build for early IG into a Sentinel/Fire Thrower composition. Soldados get 0.5 AoE, and I think Sentinels could be given the same.
The increases in range from Guard and Imperial will give them another intangible benefit over Musketeers which will remain much more pop efficient from a Damage/HP standpoint (Imperial Sentinels have roughly 1.2x an Imperial Redcoat’s damage and 1.4x the HP with the Aura and 24 shipments in). This will replace the current intention behind Wall Guns (age 3), which will be repurposed. Sentinels will end up with 15 Range in age 4, and 18 in age 5. Rather than making Sentinels a 2 pop Musketeer similar to the Soldado, they will be a very different take on the concept of a 2 pop Musketeer.
Papal Bull (Age 2)
- Crusade tech (available age 2 from the Unique Church tech): Cost is increased to 250f, 250c (from 250w).
- Crusade currently allows Sentinels and Hospitallers to get their aura from Enemy buildings. I’d like to see +10% Order Hussars attack and Hitpoints from it as well.
A reference to the powerful Hussars in the first level of the campaign and more importantly a buff to a card that is lacking. It will allow for better synergy with Sentinel/Hussar and Hussar/Hospitaller unit compositions and it will improve Malta’s Hussars which scale poorly (though they will still be on the weaker end of things late game). The cost change will assist with it’s purchase when making Sentinels, Hospitallers or Order Hussars.
Wall Guns (Age 3)
- Changed to deliver 1 Culv and an Outpost Wagon. Current effect is removed.
This should allow for FF strategies in which you send a culv to beat a 2 Falc push. The card isn’t great value wise, but that’s intended. We saw how 1 Falc and 1 Culv in age 3 worked for Sweden at release. It needs to not give that kind of momentum. 750 is the right value imo.
Order Artillery (Age 4)
- New age 4 card (using the image from Cronstedt Reforms)
- Falconets cost 1 less population.
- +20% Falconet attack.
This card would help in treaty, but likely wouldn’t see much use in Supremacy games (not really worth the slot). You also don’t get Horse Artillery which are the primary anti-infantry artillery piece used in treaty games. This seems perfectly fair and is basically a combination of Cronstedt Reforms and a weaker version of the French Artillery attack upgrade but only for Falconets. You only have three 1pop units, and you probably can’t use more than 1 in treaty. So this serves as a population saver without impacting 1v1 where Xbow/Pike is already rather pop efficient.
Sicilian Supply (Age 4)
- Sicilian Supply now provides a trickle of 2.5w (instead of 2.5 food), and improves Mill and Estate rates by 10% (instead of food by 20%).
The wood trickle will be more useful for Artillery production or for production of wood units, but not as much as a second factory would be. This is probably a good thing since Malta’s bow/pike is extremely efficient in Supremacy. The improvement to coin rates will help with production of coin heavy units (and help with the secondary coin deficit from the lack of a second factory) and combined with the wood trickle should be closer in value to a factory (counting all res as equal, this is a bit better). A factory replacement that works mainly via resource gather rate improvement synergies nicely with a 111 vill pop during a treaty booming period. The improvements to all 3 resources is also a nice tie in to Italy’s Lombard system.