It may sound strange, but I am against the huge range of the musketeers. It will lead to unpredictable results. There is not a single musketeer with such a range in the game. The main problem with sentinels is that the task of a musketeer is to protect artillery from cavalry. And they cannot perform this function because there are little quantites. I am ready to place bets if Malta is given some language that gives 1 pop musketeer, you will never see a single sentinel in the game again. This is their main function. If you compare it with the same soldado, I saw in the treaty how a guy with a line of soldados destroyed voltigeurs with a ratio of 1 to 2. That is, Mexico does not need falconets, it can kill skirmishers only with soldados.
Malta has a different problem in this regard. It can’t afford to build falconets at all. It has fixed guns and culverins. That means there’s no one to fight skirmishers with and nothing to protect artillery with. Seriously rewatch any Malta battle from age 3-5. You won’t see a single culverin that lasts longer than 45 seconds.
If we look at the Highlander and the Soldado, we will notice that the main feature of the 2 pop Musketeers is their flexibility. They both can fight skirmishers quite well, which the Sentinels cannot do.
I only use sentinels at age 4-5 as grenadiers. I build their limit, break into the enemy base and destroy factories and settlers. That’s the only thing they’re really good for. They cannot be countered by cavalry, and infantry cannot catch up with them.
It is also worth noting that the real cost effectiveness of Maltese units increases with each shipment. That means we have to count on the long game.
If they were supposed to be good at defense, then we should proceed from that. The first thing to do is that the ability wall guns should be enabled by default, remove the card, and increase the effect of this ability by +1 range. We already get a boost for one card and a boost for sentinels. Then, if we really want something unique, we make them 15% melee and range armor. Then we give their defensive aura the effect of 10% siege armor. (And of course, we swap the visuals of the guards and imperial ones). Now there is a chance that they will work in battle for their 2 pop, as other 2 pop musketeers do. If we don’t want any changes.
The problem of the inability to protect artillery can only be solved by reducing the cost of the population.
My opinion is that the unit should be completely reworked into 1 pop. It should be a regular musketeer with regular damage and HP, with an increased cost by 10 and an increased range by 1. It should have a defensive aura and wall guns by default. And it should only be improved by a 15% card, +2% per ship and an improved arsenal. That’s all. Then it won’t be a defective unit.
Disgusting design. The worst in the game. The card for using Hospitallers for some reason hooks Sentinels. If you play through Hospitallers, why do you need Sentinels and vice versa. I think the sentinel upgrade should be moved to a separate location. So I especially do NOT want to tie the hussar upgrade to this place.
Great idea. I like it.
This is not necessary at all. Malta already plays with fixed cannons and culverins. This is quite enough. Perhaps reducing the population cost of culverins and fixed cannons through this card by 1 would be more correct.
Firstly I would like to correct you that the supply increases the mills by 25%. Next: your attempt to play at 0$ will not work. The half-eunuch nation needs a boost, not a remaster.
We have two stupid cards that take up two slots and are never used by anyone.
So here it is. Instead, we will create a new card. It will be called Strategic Reserves and will give a tricle of 2.5 wood, and also each commandery and outpost will give 0.25 wood, and TC and Castle will give 0.75. (It would also be nice if the fixed gun finally got a tag defense building and also worked with this card and the Oldenburg upgrade).
And we compensate for the factory through 2.5 Sicilian supplies, 2.5 from this card and the construction of many defensive buildings, and also get the opportunity to effectively play wood units.
You also didn’t address the problem that Malta is forced to choose between skirmishers who get a buff from an improved arsenal and a depot aura and skirmishers who get a hp buff from shipments and there is no skirmisher who would get all the buffs that would be relevant for Treaty. Fire throwers are even more useless than sentinels. The only place you can use them is in 3v3 supremacy and you will build a full limit of them.
Another problem worth noting is that these things:
force the player to use crossbowmen. Although this combination of cards:
Much weaker than this one in mid to late game.
I would also like to know from experienced players why culverins and falconets fire blanks 10% of the time, while fixed cannons fire blanks 70% of the time?
Edited: I forgot to mention commanderies. They are overpriced. 100 g in addition to the cost of an outpost is insane. Teleportation in this game does not solve anything at all. If they are so expensive, then they should get +10% hp and damage for each age up. And for that money they should definitely give more than 10 population. LOL!
Edited 2: by the way, everyone also forgot that not a single team upgrade of barracks works for Malta. It would also be nice to fix it.
Edited 3:
And fix this card already. At least by 5%. And the connection to TC is insane.