How to make the native semi-civ more useful?

I think native TPs are already useful, but I think many native units and technologies need to be specifically reworked. Catalog of proposals on minor factions/civilizations (AOE-3 BASIC + TWC + TAD)

I see that the relaes houses have very similar elements to what has been proposed here:

Passive bonuses or abilities:

Some royal house passive abilities actually spawn units over time. The longer you wait, the more units accumulate until you press the button. (Could say it’s like a dojo)

I think even with the current flow of experience that tps provide, a slight additional passive bonus would be nice.

For example:

  • Jesuit Alliance: Gunpowder units are created 5% faster.
  • Alliance with Caribs: Fishing boats with a little more speed and +5% in fishing collection.
  • Alliance with Navajos: Cattle 5% cheaper and +10% in the rate of fattening.
  • Etc.

Note: (Royal houses will be the exception as it has such ability)