How to mod in-game strings?

Yup this is the name of the file you will be looking to mod your text strings in. You will need to make a mod folder first to put the text file in and it has to follow the same file path format as the game (i.e. /resources/en/strings/key-value/). Once you do that you can open the file to change existing strings or add new ones (Not recommended for beginners) using key-value-strings-utf8.txt as a reference.

This is because AGE was designed to work with the .dll language file type, but HD doesn’t use language.dll files. Instead they use the .txt files as mentioned above hence the crashing. Don’t worry too much about this one, as long as your key-value text files are linked to AGE right and you’re editing the modded-strings file it should be working fine.

Nope it’s still the same. Data mods and Text mods still need to stay separate (Hence why I had to make a data and a text mod separately)