How To: Report Game Issues

What is a Bug?

As with any game, there are bound to be errors or issues which cause unanticipated or unexpected results while you’re playing. These problems are usually referred to as bugs, defects, or exploits (when they happen to offer an unintended positive benefit to the player), and can range from minor cosmetic issues to truly game-breaking disruptions which prevent you from playing the game entirely.

If you encounter an issue while playing, take a moment to gather information before creating a post here on the forum. There are several details you can provide that will help the development team identify, reproduce, and fix a defect in the game, so be sure to read through the steps below to get a feel for what you can provide when you encounter an issue!

When you encounter a Bug

When you first encounter a bug, here are a few steps you can take while it’s happening:

  • Capture a screenshot! A picture is worth a thousand words; if you’re able, capture an image or video that highlights the issue. You can use the in-game screenshot key, or you can press the Print Screen key and paste ( CTRL+V ) the image into an image editor to save for later.

  • Take notes. It can be difficult to take notes on the fly, but it’s a good idea to jot down a line or two about what you experienced when it happens. Doing this will help you remember the details when you’re posting about the issue them later.

Reporting a Bug

When you’re ready to report the issue, begin by searching the forum for similar reports! If you find that the issue has already been reported, don’t create a new thread ; instead, add a reply to the post with the details you can provide. Here’s a list of the different bug forums:

Whether you end up replying to or creating a new bug thread, here’s what you should aim to provide:

  1. [When creating a new thread] Use a clear and concise title. Others should have an idea of the problem before they ever click into the forum post!

  2. Include the game version number. The version or “build” number is displayed on the home screen of the game. Include this information so we know when the issue appeared.

  3. Explain the problem. Provide as many details as possible! Where did it happen? When did it happen? What circumstances may have led to the problem?

  4. Provide reproduction steps. A numbered list of steps we can take to reproduce the issue can help us track it down in our internal environments.

  5. Include an image. A good picture is worth a thousand words; a video or gif clearly highlighting the problem is even better!

  6. One thread = one issue. It can be hard to discuss and respond to issues when there are a hundred listed in a single thread. Try to keep each thread focused on one problem.

One more thing:

  • Remember: The more information we receive about an issue, the easier it is for us to track down the root cause of the problem. Add your personal experience to others’ threads, provide additional details if you find that you can reliably reproduce an issue, and keep the bugs coming so we can keep fixing them up!

Happy hunting! :bug: