I am banned for 7 days because I tower rush? I think I should quit this BS game

“I can be an [Insert word for human posterior here] because I paid for the product, even if it ruins the experience of other people that also paid for the product”

No, you can’t, if you go into a restaurant and start being obnoxious, ruining the experience of the other customers I can guarantee you’ll be escorted out, even if you ordered something and are a costumer yourself

If Microsoft allows people that ruin the game for everyone else, people who just want to play fairly will stop playing, which means fewer players, which means a smaller community, which means a dead game, which means no one will ever buy it, which means no money, they definitely don’t want that to happen

Cheaters, toxic players, smurfs and quitters all cause the same thing, ruining the game, it doesn’t matter which of these you do, it’s the same result…

All of these also stated in the code of conduct as bannable offenses


Quitting because you don’t like a map could seem harmless to a leisurely player who never visits the forum. And for anyone who doesnt read the fine print legalese for the hundreds of times per year a plethora of companies throw them at us

In games like Battlefiedlld and probably Call of Duty, you can drop in and out as you please with no consequence. A casual player who has paid for the game and wants to play how they want to in their limited free time might not see much harm in dropping

The game should be crystal clear and up-front on its expectations regarding quits. If it is frowned upon and penalized, it should be uo to the game to clearly communicate that to all players. Including ones who know nothing about this forum or Paragraph 67 Line 3 of the Code of Conduct. And should have a series of incrementally significant warnings before the ban hammer drops.

E.g., Warnings to not quit, with expectations of penalties to come if they do. Maybe even showing a chart with 3 or 4 strikes being a total ban for x number of days progressively worse through repeated shananigans. Like, 5 minute requeue ban to start with if they quit once and reminder as well as next steps if they do it again. Maybe the next one is a 10 min requeue ban and an ELO drop. If they do it yet again, then penalize as such and say one more time will result in 30 min requeue ban and more ELO drop. Final strike is the true ban hammer. It seems like the game does warn, no? Not sure. But if it doesn’t, it should be made clear, imo

I’d be annoyed by quits if I played rank. But I think it’s hard to assume everyone knows it is not cool or accepted, and bannable offense, unless the game is clear. And when someone gets banned, the reason should be clear. They shouldn’t have to start a thread to find out.

In my perfect world opinion anyways

If you quit before 5 minutes you already get temporarily banned, kinda like what you described…

So yeah the game makes pretty obvious that you shouldn’t do that by giving you increasing levels of punishment that in the end could result on a permaban

I feel all others are pretty obvious ban causes, except maybe smurfing, but if you are good enough to smurf then you’re probably in the community in some way or another, and already know it’s bad, also your opponents will tell you this themselves

Still, I would welcome an in-game set of rules and standards

Btw, I suggest you familiarize with the systems already in place before having an opinion on them, that would lead to less cases of you criticizing the game for not having something, that it literally already has


Other than an attempted hack or cheat there can be no legit reason for a ban.
Maybe we missed the point - its a game, its for fun…


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And therein lies the problem you seem to be missing. By quitting on purpose, the game is then ruined for the other players. Which means that it is not fun for up to 7 other people. Being self entitled doesn’t give anyone the right to ruin the game experience for all the other players.


So I should launch and quit multiple times to see what the warnings and penalties are to me firsthand before posting, because I’ve played the game and visited the forum for years and never seen the list anywhere? got it.

Don’t worry, I deleted my post too save future eyes from wasting their time, too :wink: EDIT: I brought it back at least until you can link me to the ‘official warning messages and ban table’ that is used by devs to clearly inform players the progressively severe consequences of their continued quitting actions.

Some of us have lives beyond Age of Empires. I apologize in advance, but I’m not going to do multi-hour deep dive studies on every recommendation I make. I already had to skim through the policy pages you referenced above to find the one tiny line (amongst thousands of legalese words) that states quitting is frowned upon – to make sure your comment above was accurate, since you didn’t care to spend any time quoting to us the actual line. I had to move on with life, so I’m sorry I didn’t spend 45 more minutes finding AoE’s official penalization/ban table… which I’d be a tad surprised if it even is advertised to the public. It might be, but given that the OP had no clue why he was banned, I assume they weren’t made aware or warned very well… thus the imputus for my once deleted post

How can it “literally already have” what you say it does, but yet the OP had no clue why they were banned?

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WTF??? is that even possible??? :flushed:


I know. It’s hard, but it is true… :frowning:

Paraphrasing my favorite movie

I AM SHOCKED to find that out :joy::rofl::joy:

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i dont understand this- i am responsible for my pleasantness, not about others.
i join a game, for some reason i dont like it, i quit.
where is the issue?

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Sure, if it’s a 1v1 game, you are sacrificing ELO in order to play a more preferable game. But in team games the etiquette is different. Put the shoe on the other foot and imagine the opposite situation. Imagine you’re in a team game and it’s the perfect map for you. You love your position and map generation. Your woodlines are perfect, you even got the civ you wanted. Then 5-10 minutes into the match your team mate says “waaaa :sob: I don’t like this map, I’m quitting”. So you wasted all that time queuing for the match, plus the time you played the game and got all excited for nothing. Then you lose ELO and have to wait for ages for another game on a potentially worse and less favourable map.

Some of you people seriously have a problem with understanding perspectives which differ from your own.


You did nothing wrong. The devs are the ones should take the responsibilities. There is no hard rules, no qualified moderators who can give players justice, so there are always players abuse the poor rules and nobody cares.

And yet people do care.

Just because something isn’t enforced properly doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong, particularly morally.


I think people just have different opinions on this game because the players are from all over the world and they are educated differently . IMO, i think people should try hard toward winning but some people just want to have fun instead. We are all here for fun so we can’t blame each other. There isn’t a rule or recommendation system that will tell us which behavior is recommended. Therefore a lot of “grey” behaviors can’t be judged such as walling off relics , resources or refused to communicate. It is really hard to tell if your teammates care about the game. Even if you knew this guy is a teamkiller, you still can’t refuse to play with him

Yawn… so OP is clearly a self absorbed troll nobody in their right mind would want to play with and he came here and lied about why he was banned just to get some attention… all I can say is that I hope for your own sake you are not an adult because it would be pretty embarrassing on your part if you were.

Ah another person with zero self awareness acting like a baby…. Exactly it’s a game, therefore no reason for tempers to run high. If your temper routinely runs high because of a game you should seek medical advice.

There are usually large sums of money involved in sports in AOE2 there isn’t for the majority of players…

The great majority of paying players expect the commercial policy to accomodate a gaming environment where people get to have an enjoyable experience. The majority of players do not find the conduct of the OP to be conducive to an enjoyable gaming experience. You don’t get to just come and shit on everyone’s gaming experience just because you paid $10 for a 25 year old game. Grow up.

I suggest you Google the meaning of the word fun. If you still can’t figure out why your idea of “fun” isn’t consistent with other people’s, again, seek medical help.

Then may I suggest you stick to single player, or any other pass time activity where you don’t come into contact with other people? I hear Legos are pretty fun… also seems age appropriate for you.


OP knows exactly why he was banned, he’s just playing dumb, at least that’s my theory

Focus on the discussion to make it fruitful, not on the person.

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Why do i engage in something which isnt apporpirate for my likeness to only ensure that others arent displeased?

1v1 - so be it. You cannot expect people to behave according to you.

Only hacks and cheats are legit reasons for a ban.
Nothing else stands.

And yet do you expect people to not quit on games you would want to play?


No, there is no expectation from people to not quit. Only thing is it be played as it should be played , i mean as per the appropirate game mechanics. Ex. Dont make halbs to fight champs
Kind of.