I see IV is on sale. Is it worth it yet?

more civs in aoe4 would be welcomed, just not at this moment. currently game play is kinda repetitive tbh. I just feel that it might have already been too late as game physics is already the way it is and it ain’t gonna change, unless entire over haul which is likely not happening.

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AoEIV may be overpriced but it could also be free and I still wouldn’t play it.
I’m afraid no sale can change my mind on whether it’s worth my time.


yeah aoe 4 is too lackluster to be played atm

So you literally registered on the forum to say, that no matter what you wont play?
nice one.

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It certainly is. There are just better options out there than this one. I can still keep eye on for future civs, mostly out of curiosity in how they’re going to approach them (AoEIII did miracles with its expansions), but my expectations are very little at this point.

First, I didn’t say no matter what. I said no sale can. Hone your reading skills. If you think that all AoEIV can do to replenish its diminishing player base is going on sale then its future isn’t really very bright - and it never was to begin with.

Second, people can register on the forum and express any sentiment they have towards this or any other Age game. Are you the gatekeeper here? I don’t think so.


dude let me tell you the truth. There’s an actual gatekeppers “wars”, one group that want a better aoe 4 and other that want the current aoe 4. You can see in reddit that every post that wanted to be constructive or critize the game is downvoted or ignored like this one Reddit - Dive into anything which was proposed in a previous tread in this forum. Also that happened in other forums and this one. I remenber having an anon that refuse to accept the flaw and calll me out for the same reason. I can safely say that aoe 4 is a toxic game after analyse the current scenario in the aoe communitty

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Esta muy jodido la verdad, y esa opinión sonaba muy razonable

I don’t interact with AoE4 mains, but I doubt they’re as toxic as AoE2 mains.

i think graphics play a big part of it.

people take a look at it and be like, why does it look worse than AOE3DE?

probably a bunch of marcos over there :joy: :joy: :joy:


aoe 2 is another thing but the minor evil or whatever name you can call them (still a bigger enemy to the aoe franchise). they refuse to change or try the new aoe and killing them by toxicity and calling out the devs which happened since aoe 3. which that lead to an stagnation to the aoe which is one of the main cause why aoe 4 is designed like the way it is released. And probably the worst part is when a new mechanic in a aoe 2 dlc civ is released , they praise it. Little they know that those mechanics are the scraps from other aoe which from others aoe players perspective is (or potentially) very baffling because is like they are recently discovering fire for them and infuirating because they know that their game they cancelled could do better on launch if they weren’t so conservative. And now we have this little war between conservative aoe 4 players (the ones thta want the current one) and progresive aoe 4 player (the other want a better one) which are the names I will refer to those groups.

I think the new mechanic in aoe2 is causing issue with older player base for a few reason.

  1. breaks how competitive scene has been for ages
  2. to sell new DLC, they have to have powerful gimmick which isnt well received
  3. the more powerful stuff they introduce, more old content gotta change (buff) which quite a portion of player opposes

the above can be said for many games. I play dota competitively so its pretty obvious there too.

mmm didnt notice that were a intern issue with the reception of the dlc. It always seen good in their eyes in my perpective from friends and pro scene feedback. However, the point #2-3 I heard from some players (obviously I know that a recent civ/feature has to be op to guarantee that that one is used frequently and then normalize with nerf as an introduction and sales strategy) but I didn’t know it was too big but yeah it adds another layer of conservatiness that aoe 2 already have (and 1 thing that may separated it to othe similar cases that you mentioned). it may another reason why some aoe 2 players jumped to aoe 4. In the end the real cause of all this mess is the same: ms