Ideas for future Chronicles DLCs

Since it seems we’ll be getting future DLC under the “Chronicles” label, I’ll offer some suggestions for future DLCs in that series as well as new civilizations for each DLC.

Kingdoms of the Nile

  • Egyptians
  • Nubians
  • Hittites

Rivals of Rome

  • Carthaginians
  • Palmyrans
  • Macedonians

Between the Rivers

  • Babylonians
  • Sumerians
  • Assyrians

Barbarian Tribes

  • Gauls
  • Britons
  • Suebi

Any other suggestions?


First option should be Rome, including their rivals, Carthaginians and Macedonians. Maybe also the Gauls


Sumerians and Hittites are way too early, and Assyrians are somewhat too early. Babylonians are just about ok, but I think it would make more sense to pick civilisations that don’t already appear in AoE1, e.g. Scythians, Medes, Lydians.

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Hello, I hope you are very well :smiley: +1 to your suggestions but there would still be some civilizations missing such as: Roman Republic, Iberians, Parthians, Armenians, Seleucids empire, Scythians, greetings.

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I think the most likely follow-up DLC will be Alexander the Great and the Punic Wars.
For this first one, the obvious new civ will be Macedon. Not sure which other civs would be added, but if they decide to include the Diadochi wars then the Seleucids and Egyptians (Ptolemies) could be part of the DLC. Seleucus Nicator would be an amazing main character for a campaign.

For the Punic Wars it’s easier, Rome and Carthage. They could also include Syracuse if they want to make a prelude with the Carthaginians war against Syracuse for Sicily. The could even include some references to Archimedes and his inventions for the city (at least the claw, the heat ray is most likely pure fantasy :rofl:)

Yeah, I also like those ideas (though the Medes are kinda controversial since many historians now doubt they ever formed an empire). But it would be nice to have a campaign about the Fall of Assyria (playing as the Babylonians), the Scythian expansion on the Middle East and Lydian conquest of Asia Minor under Croesus. I think the timeline could perfectly be expanded back a couple of centuries, but not really beyond the Bronze Age collapse.


Id love to make a mod of this but my skillset is civ design not modding

I do think Suebi can be a good catch-all for Germanic barbarians, but maybe splitting them up could be of interest, maybe not though.

I think Dacians, Bactria, and Picts would be a good call.

I like the idea of splitting the Seleucids away from Macedon to be its own civ. I think there could also be potential in having Epirus be its own civ, and Thrace as well as Thracians were kinda half-Greek half-Barbarian

Pontus might also be interesting, but that’s a bit of a stretch probably.

And I agree with pretty much all of these. I think there should be a new Romans civ for Chronicles, Iberians I like, despite the argument of including them under a Gallic umbrella, I think the Iberians were different enough to warrant their own civ.

I also think there’s an argument for Samnites, granted they were never truly an empire of their own, but they provided Rome its stiffest resistance. I suppose maybe you could do an Etruscan umbrella though (I don’t think the Samnites were Etruscan, but you get the point) ; I think a Roman grand campaign would have to touch on the early history, and having Etruscans would be a nice way to avoid a bunch of “Romans v. Romans” campaigns and add more flavor to those scenerios.

I could see an argument for some form of Indian faction; Alexander fought against an Indian nation at the end of his campaign (I can’t remember the exact name of it though)

I think AOE II has set up a pretty solid precedent of Fall of Rome stuff going in the base game and not Chronicles, so i’ll leave those ideas out but I do think there are plenty of them if we wanted to explore that.

A greco-Bactrian civ would be cool. The story of the Greek presence in Central Asia and India is extremely interesting (the mixing of Buddism and Greek religion is like one of my favourite crossovers in History) and it would be great material for a campaign. Since this kingdom later splitted into an Central Asian and an Indian branch, this could be reflected with the mutually exclusive technologies.

The cool thing about the Seleucids is that the civ could be a hybrid of Greek and Persian elements.

That would have been cool, but since there is a Pyrhus campaign in RoR, I find it unlikely.

In English there is a bit of confusion with this word.The modern meaning is anyone from the Iberian peninsula (Spanish and Portuguese), but the ancient Iberian civ was not the same. Since they were just from the Mediterranean coast of Spain. So I think that would be a bad name for the civ. Once again, in English there is no good word for them. Possibily the best word would be Hispanics, but even this term has some problems.

He fought Porus, but he was a petty king at best. I think there are much better candidates. For example, the Mauryans, which defeated (and later allied) the Seleucians. The Kushans are also interesting, and although they were a bit more Central Asian, they still embraced some of Indian culture. Tamils were already there, so they could be another potential civ. Other foreign potential civs, like the Greco-Bactrians and Scythians, also invaded India.

I think this is the Indian civ I was thinking, I knew it started with an M but couldn’t remember the full name.

Anything as long as it’s not ancient Chinese. I doubt they wouldn’t make them speak Mandarin.

We’ll have to keep in mind the civs AND the potential campaigns too, since that’s the main focus of Chronicles. It seems they follow a 3 act structure, where you play a string of scenarios as one civ before swapping to another.

For example, with the “Kingdoms of the Nile” idea you suggested, they could make a campaign about the Saitic period of Egypt. First, starting out with the Libyans and the wars of Shoshenq I, and the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties. Then the second third of the campaign you would play with the Nubians, depicting the conquest of Egypt and the founding of the 25th Dynasty. And finally you’d play as the Egyptians (under Assyrian vassalage) and fight the wars of Psamtik I and his succesors.

Inevitably, there will be a Chronicle based on Alexander. For it, you could first play as the Illyrians, who initially had Macedon as a tributary, and play out the wars of the chieftain named Bardylis. Then, you play as the Macedonians, particularly the campaigns of Phillip and Alexander, and finally as the Mauryans, since supposedly Chandragupta was inspired by Alexander’s conquests, and founded the Mauryan empire himself, fighting other Indian polities and the Seleucids.

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I made a poll about future Chronicles civs a while ago:
[poll] Future Chronicles Civs

I think you are greatly underestimating how old Sumerians are.
For the Ancient Greeks Sumer was as old as the Ancient Greeks are for us today!

Chronicles starts over 1000 years after the fall of the Sumerian civilisation. That would be like adding Ancient Romans to AoE3.

Etruscans, Samnites, Gauls, Carthaginians - Rise of Rome DLC


Alternatively, that DLC could also include the Diadochi. For example, Alexander’s campaign could be followed by other campaigns centered on Ptolomeus I (playing as the Egyptians/Ptolemies) and Seleucus Nicator (playing as the Seleucids). These main characters (and potential allies and antagonists like Antigonous,Perdiccas or Lysimachus) could be introduced in Alexander’s campaign, so we could have more consistent character development across the entire DLC.
I also think there should a prelude playing as Philip II, which could also feature Bardylis in one scenario. For a future Illyrian campaign I was also thinking about a campaign with Agron/Teuta.
In my opinion they could also try to make smaller DLCs (with maybe just one or two new civs and fewer missions), with some potential candidates being the Illyrian Wars or the Roman conquest of Hispania.
I think the Mauryans should be part of a proper Indian DLC.

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How about this…

A “Rise of Macedon” campaign, with Thracians, Illyrians and Macedonians. First you play as the Thracians, witnessing the rise of the Odrysian kingdom. Then as the Illyrians under Bardylis, and finally as the Macedonians under Phillip.

Those events wouldn’t really be that related to each other tbh, but at a minimum you’d play as whoever was top dog in the Balkans at the time?

Later, they can make a “Fall of Macedon” campaign, adding Ptolemies and Seleucids. The first scenarios would depict Alexander’s conquests and you’d play as the Macedonians, then as the Seleucids under Seleucus I, and finally as the Ptolemies with Ptolemy II as protag.

I think it’d be fine to add Mauryans, so that Alexander can fight Indians in that DLC, and Chandragupta’s conquests would be depitcted after Seleucus’ chapter, but if that’s discarded, I guess the third civ can be the Epirotes? Then they’d have to redo Pyrrhus’ campaign, and you’d play as the Epirotes for the final act, which would segue into a chronicle about the rise of Rome.

In thd last few years the devs have used increasingly more archaic and complicated to get voicelines

I bet they would use the proper dialect for an ancient China civ

If it weren’t for the last trio I would have thought this was a joke post just listing the AoE1 civs.

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Riser of Romer - DLC-er

Thebes, Scythians, Illyrians, Macedonians, Etruscans, Sabines, Samnites, Roman kingdome/Republic.

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Rise of Rome would be amazing, Alexander expansion with Macedonia too. But I think that a Campaign with Babilonians and the fall of Neo Assyria empire (609 BC) with the Assyrian civilization would be interesting. They can include a Egyptiptian civilization that make a revolt against Assyrian empire.