Ideas to present to the devs for a full British re-work

Since I made this page, a fair bit has been added to the game. I can’t edit the original post anymore but these are the primary things I believe are still missing from the British civ…

  1. An infinite Home City Gurkha shipment in age 4. These Gurkha units should mirror the states of Cherokee Rifleman currently available to the British in the fourth age (maybe with a higher melee attack using their kukri). They should also come with a unique skin to show that they are not the same as the Gurkhas available to the Indians.

  2. The Scots Guards (and maybe Coldstream Guards) Home City card tech to effect Highlanders after the Black Watch tech is researched. It feels weird that an upgrade that refers to the “Scots” does not affect the only Scottish unit in the game. It also doesn’t sit right that the Dutch get highlanders with better stats than the British. Maybe slightly increase Highlanders cost to 250 coin to compensate the higher stats.

  3. A references to the Royal Navy’s size and prowess during the latter half of AOE3de’s timeframe. Maybe add a card that decrease ship build time by like 75% or something. Or add some card that allows infinite privateers vessels to be sent with a high cost and a build limit of three.

  4. Some references to the Industrial Revolution maybe through an early access a factory shipment in Age 3. Or make villagers work faster in mills and estates when a factory is nearby.

  5. Give Manor houses a unique skin to represent the fact that they are different from regular houses. Best explained by @SirBarnzy1 and fantastically depicted by @TheSquidEmpire

  6. Modify the new Redcoat skin by eliminating the white trousers and substituting them with either grey or black ones. The current white trousers seem inconsistent, especially when considering that redcoats, in Age 4, are depicted wearing Shakos.