Ideas to present to the devs for a full British re-work

I just wanted to point it out but the polearm that the soldier is armed with in the image is apparently called roncone or roncola. It is also known as the “Italian bill” which was used by the Italians and not the English.

The English bill looks like this:


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Yes you are correct - Osprey book illustrations are not fantastic for specifics.

The English/British had many different Bill polearms including Brown (the cheapest to make), Black and Forest Bills(slender and more ‘hooky’). The Black bills were the ones also referred to as English bills which were less slim (and less elegant!) than Italian versions, however they had a more pronounced axe-like blade that had less of a hook (they were also heavier) so Billmen were for all intents and purposes Halberdiers for English - which brings it all the way round for my justification as a Halberdier-type unit for the Brits :grin:.

Italian bills were used by the English (alongside Halberds), just far less in numbers. I believe Henry VIII’s bodyguards used them, for example.

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Do they want a re-work for the British that much? Let me give a proposition.

This proposal can be extrapolated to all the major colonial powers of the time.

We start with an England that is as vanilla as possible, then we choose between raising the age with a politician from x territory, for example a politician from America, the British Raj, Ireland, Scotland or England, depending on which politician you choose, it unlocks new unique units.

Each age from that moment on gives 2 cards that improve unique units or offer you new ones and when you reach imperial the flag changes to its independent version. (assuming it is necessary)

PS: I am aware that this topic is useless because they will never re-work any civilization. :upside_down_face:


un peu comme les états fédéraux des USA et Mexique en somme, faudrait en ce cas voir aussi pour d’autres nations européenne :slight_smile:


It would be more of a mix between the idea of variant civilizations of AOE4, the revolutions and the age up system of American civilizations. :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: Yes, it can also be used in other civilizations, for example, Germany, India, China, Japan, etc.

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Even if that is the case, that doesn’t mean that this whole thread is useless. The things that have been suggested here could potentially be given to the British civilisation in the future without having to rework them that much.

Smaller changes such as just giving the British some new unique units and technologies etcetera shouldn’t be out of reach.


Since I made this page, a fair bit has been added to the game. I can’t edit the original post anymore but these are the primary things I believe are still missing from the British civ…

  1. An infinite Home City Gurkha shipment in age 4. These Gurkha units should mirror the states of Cherokee Rifleman currently available to the British in the fourth age (maybe with a higher melee attack using their kukri). They should also come with a unique skin to show that they are not the same as the Gurkhas available to the Indians.

  2. The Scots Guards (and maybe Coldstream Guards) Home City card tech to effect Highlanders after the Black Watch tech is researched. It feels weird that an upgrade that refers to the “Scots” does not affect the only Scottish unit in the game. It also doesn’t sit right that the Dutch get highlanders with better stats than the British. Maybe slightly increase Highlanders cost to 250 coin to compensate the higher stats.

  3. A references to the Royal Navy’s size and prowess during the latter half of AOE3de’s timeframe. Maybe add a card that decrease ship build time by like 75% or something. Or add some card that allows infinite privateers vessels to be sent with a high cost and a build limit of three.

  4. Some references to the Industrial Revolution maybe through an early access a factory shipment in Age 3. Or make villagers work faster in mills and estates when a factory is nearby.

  5. Give Manor houses a unique skin to represent the fact that they are different from regular houses. Best explained by @SirBarnzy1 and fantastically depicted by @TheSquidEmpire

  6. Modify the new Redcoat skin by eliminating the white trousers and substituting them with either grey or black ones. The current white trousers seem inconsistent, especially when considering that redcoats, in Age 4, are depicted wearing Shakos.


I would add something that I explain in another topic:

Please make redcoats the default skin for musketeers.
In fact, redcoats were the British standard infantry unit in the 18th century, and I find that having access to them only after send the church card is unfair when you see that the default skin of the Russian musketeers is the rekruts (which is actually historically accurate, Russian soldiers of 18th century wear green coats)

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Yeah, when I think of an auxillary British unit to ship in, my first though would always be Gurkas. Cherokee Riflemen made sense when way back in the original it was just the Americas, however now there should be some sort of nod to well-used Empire worldwide forces.

Yeah, I agree.

Again, I agree on some more Royal Navy focus. I mean the British naval forces were the big thing about the British mid-late AOE3 time span. A very small element for me (and this may be for most Euros) is some kind of unit replacement for the Caravel, turning into the fed states Sloop (with a slight improvement too).

I also think there should be an early nod - the English then British navy was built on the Tudor-era exploits of Francis Drake and co - all pretty much Privateers. With that in mind, yeah an infinite Privateer shipment would be great. Why not make it interesting and have a Buccaneer/Privateer Captain (reskin of Corsair Captain) with Pirate entourage in a Privateer shipment as well? There’s just so much great material to play around with.

Yep. Britain was know as ‘Workshop of the world’ at the latter half of the timeline - surely some form of Factory perk would make sense.

Obvious yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

A super minimal change that makes them look more authentic, yes please.

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Based on the pictures of these three individuals, Scottish soldiers are preparing to resist British rule by using the highlands charge ability as a large button icon. The Devs have decided to transform the revolutionary card of British civ from the Jacobite
rebellions into a revolutionary flag, with more cards, unique units, and buildings undergoing changes



During last year I happened to find something about an artillery shot called “Partridges” which were clusters of bombs that were meant to be fired simultaneously from a multi barrelled mortar. This artillery shot got its name from the partridge bird due to resembling a covey of said bird in flight when these shells were fired

However, I haven’t found a lot of information of this Partridge artillery shot yet, but it would be cool if there were some more unique mortar units in the game. And maybe the British could get this [Partridge Mortar] which will replace the [Mortar] for them since the sketch that I have included in this post is from the Encyclopaedia Londinensis Vol II.

The Army Museum in Paris has a mortar in their artillery collection that looks just like the multi barrel mortar shown in the sketch. I tried to make a hyperlink that upon clicking it would directly show the image of this French mortar, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Luckily though the source that I have included in this post, which has the image of this multi barrelled mortar, isn’t that long so it can be found pretty quickly.

The [Partridge Mortar] could alternatively be a shared unit between the British, French and the Portuguese as well, because in the Lisbon Military Museum there is a triple barrelled bronze mortar that is shown for display and it is claimed to be of Portuguese origin.

The sketch of the mortar firing partridges that is shown below has 14 barrels, where it fires 1 big bomb and 13 smaller bombs.



Yeah, they sound awesome, though I don’t know if Brits need a unique Arty, especially when Congreves exist (and also because Brits were pretty standard in artillery terms). I would totally love to see if referenced in Shipment from at the minimum.

On the artillery front (and suggested before), I’d still love to see a Rocket Ship!


The British does indeed have the Congreve Rocket as their unique artillery unit, but in the end it is not going to see a lot of action in the game because it is only available from the [Factory] and through shipments. It functions more like a super weapon just like the Ottoman [Great Bombard], If I dare say it, for the British due to how it is implemented to the game rather than being an easily accessible artillery unit for them.

If the [Partridge Mortar] does get added to the game then it doesn’t really need to be that powerful like the [Rocket]. The damage that it could deal in barrage mode can be similar to other Mortars, but it can be more devastating in groups due to firing multiple projectiles at once which will cover a wider area.


I think British should get the Maxim Machine Gun (in-game a modified model/texture Gatling Gun) - the first real automatic machine gun. Used from 1884 up until present (yes, really!).

As a late 19th century artillery, it is an Imperial Age-only Unique Unit (a first?), being locked out in previous ages.


I wanted to reply to this comment in particular because the idea of more royal houses interests me greatly. I didn’t come into this thread sold on the idea of a House of Tudor per se, but I do think that it has potential. My biggest concern is simply making distinct units that serve a purpose. It’s one thing to suggest units, its another to explain why I would want to build these units in-game. What sets them apart? What makes them unique?

For the House of Stuart, the Royal Highlander has obvious overlap with the in-game Highlander. I know other people on this thread suggested giving the mercenary version a Carolean charge-like ability to make it distinct, but if we wanted to go down this route, giving that charge ability to the native version I think would be a good enough thing to give it a unique purpose.

I don’t know if I am feeling the Scots Grey though. I really struggle to think what would set it apart from the Royal Dragoon in function, especially if the paired unit is a musketeer that is better in melee. It’d make Stuart effectively a retread of Bourbon, outside of the techs. Also, while the Scots Grey does trace its history to the Stuart-era Scotland, the fact you posted their picture from the 19th century leads me to believe that most people are aware of them from the Napoleonic Wars, which… yeah, the Stuarts were long gone by then.

One thing I noticed about royal houses is that for most of them, each of their units come from different countries. Vasa represents both Sweden and Poland, Jagiellon represents Lithuania and Croatia, etc, etc. Since a Highlander unit would presumably represent Scotland, perhaps a unit that represents Stuart-era England would be in order?

That’s why I would counterpropose a Cavalier unit, to represent the royalists during the English Civil War. As for what it does, I don’t have a strong idea admittingly. My first thought would be to make it a cuirassier-like unit, much in the same vein as the Saxon equivalent. I’d make it faster than its comparison units, to represent the swift maneuvers that figures like Prince Rupert were able to accomplish in Edgehill or Newark. In return, maybe give it less HP, so its less of a tank and more of a unit you use for shock purposes. It’d actually combo well with the Royal Highlander-with-a-charge if we went down that route.

As for techs, I’m going to freely admit I am way out of my comfort zone proposing hard concepts for it. So I’m not going to suggest what the techs do, just merely throw ideas on what they could be. I’d like to see the Stuart dynasty draw upon both its Scottish and English history for some of these techs. Therefore, a tech representing the divine right of kings that the royalists fought so hard for would be a natural pick for me. I’d call it “The Leviathan” to reference Hobbes. I’d love a reference to bagpipes as well; I’d have suggested a piper unit outright if the Hanoverians didn’t have a drummer. But I could settle for a tech that perhaps extended the charge bonus highlanders got to nearby infantry when it was activated.

As for Tudor, what I’d want to do with them, if we did include, is to represent estensially late medieval England; the very early timeframe of the game. Draw a bit from the preceding War of the Roses, as the Tudors were a union of both warring houses. In that sense, I love the Yeoman idea. None of the European natives have a bowman unit, so there’s a lot of room to make it unique. Perhaps, like to represent the Yeoman Guard you pictured, it could be a longbow that has a polearm, allowing it to have basic competency in melee (including an anti-cav attack?). Thinking about this unit is actually what got me to come around to perhaps representing the Tudor, because it would be a really fun unit, imo.

I really have no idea on the second Tudor unit though. TBH this is the first I ever heard of the Gentlemen at Arms, period. I don’t know what they would do. My first idea is to give them unit deflection, to represent their bodyguard role. I don’t think there is a melee cav native unit with deflection so I think that role is open. I wouldn’t base their appearance off of the screenshot you posted, but try to find something more suitably 1500s, but I guess this could work.

As for techs, one that seems obvious to me would be one referencing Shakespeare, who was active near the end of the Tudor era and whose history plays dealt with the Hundred Years’ War and the War of the Roses, which were arguably written to serve as an official history of sorts for the Tudors. Maybe call it “Globe Theatre”, and just give it a similar effect to the Theater shipment that Euro civs get (gives Ronin and reduces outlaw pop space).

I’d also like to discuss where these houses should be placed, because I got some unconventional ideas. Mono-native maps are a bit boring, so I’d like to spice things up and increase the options available for certain western european maps.

England: Hanover, Stuart, Tudor (Should be obvious; three ruling houses of England within the timeframe of the game)
Wales: Hanover, Stuart, Tudor (See above. That being said, I would make Tudor more prevalent on Wales to represent their Welsh origin)
Scotland: Stuart, Hanover, Bourbon? (No Tudors to represent that they never controlled Scotland. I put Bourbon in question mark because on one hand, I think it’d be amusing to represent the Auld Alliance, but on the other hand, they never meaningfully had any claim to Scotland proper so I’m aware it could be seen out of place)
Ireland: Hanover, Tudor, Stuart, Hapsburg (Unlike Bourbons in Scotland, this is not a question mark. The Spanish Hapsburgs claimed the Kingdom of Ireland and tried many times to sponsor rebellion in Ireland and even landed troops there. This is already represented in the Spanish civ with the Wild Geese, but I’d love it if the Ireland map also reflected this as well.)
France: Bourbons, Tudor? (I’ll admit this is also a reach, but I’m looking to both represent Calais and the dynastic claim the English kings still claimed on France, even if they never seriously pursued it in the timeframe of III. France is a mono-native map as of now, just like all the British maps, and I think Tudor would be the next best house to include for them.)

Special shoutout to Low Countries, which I would have also maybe suggested Tudor for as well as an alternative to France if people though Calais would be better represented there. However, Low Countries already has four natives (Bourbon, Hapsburg, Hanover, Wettin), and all four of them have better claims to that map than Tudors. Hence why I went with France in the end.


The Nassau Royal House should definitely be built for the Benelux.

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There is a unit I modded, that could be useful for one of that Scottish Houses:

Just put a new map with Calais in the game.


Calais could be an interesting idea for a new map altogether, sure. Make it a coastal map with Bourbons and Tudor, with the underlying gimmick being access to tin mines (the area was notable for its tin mining) and lots of sheep (likewise with textiles).

Your models look very nice, by the way. :slight_smile: What do you intend for them to represent in particular?

Thank you.

I think is a Scottish Redshank, request from another player for an hypotetical new Scot unit


Basically the term ‘Highlander’ covers many Highland warriors throughout the AOE3 timeline, however ‘Redshanks’ was used a lot (literally to decribe their cold bare legs!) for the Highander mercenaries in the earliest (late 15th - 17th century) period which coincides nicely with the older Highland ‘layout’ of big two-hander Claymore and helmets (they then in later periods reforged the swords into the one handed basket-hilt Claymores).

Basically, an excuse to be able to use the older type of Highlanders used in the beginning of the Early Modern Age without stepping upon the toes of the current Highlanders!