I have a lot to say on this Export viability matter. I did an analysis of export’s value and possible suggestions to make it more versatile. As it stands, only Japan can choose to sacrifice part of their eco to be able to use export viably (only in Age IV with a card tho).
Here is a the full tread Seeing how Influence works, should Export have viable means that makes it a reliable resource income if you invest on it?
And some suggestions:
This is why I propose creating Home-City cards that allows you to do so (sacrificing other cards for these if you go for such a strategy), while staying distinctive from Influence mechanics. Here are some ideas
-1.5/s export trickle Age I
-Improve the native craft card to give you export for each trading post constructed, not just each native tribe (this could currently be the worse Age 3 card in the game)
-Send a card that allows you get a waaay bigger export income rate when you go for the 5% and 10% resources for export options at the consulate. Age II.
-A card that allows you to get export from trading posts (gets better with TP upgrades)
-Dramatically improve Export gather rate from Sumptuary Laws card and Porcelain Tower (and their XP gathering too since we are at it)