I'm out. gla with half done game devs

Fair enough.

It’s not something I noticed myself (the Steam page says mods are available in early 2022, though that could’ve easily been changed since pre-orders were put up), but if that’s what you were sold on, only to have those features delayed, I won’t argue.


No it was always known that they will be released early 2022, so no delaying afterwards here.
I am just saying while their roadmap can be dropped at any given time, the features they sold the game with are missing and they are obligated to release them. Until then the game stays feature incomplete :slight_smile:


Known by who?

Sorry, but you can not name it as “known” until it was on the front page, where you have to explicitly do the check on warning.
At least, that’s how payments work for goods. Implicit moments are marked separately.
Just checked store page in steam, i do not “see the known about”

If you want to argue should store warn or should not, let’s firstly return to the time with internet scums with recurrents subscription.

I can understand that people love game… but how on earth you support “bad practises”?

Oh, well, in that case I disagree. Or not disagree, exactly. It’s a weird one. If you know something upfront won’t be delivered until a later date, that purchasing power is in your hands. But likewise, you’re right in that they committed to that scope ahead of the game’s release.

I can understand where you’re coming from, and I don’t think you’re being unreasonable at all.

(edited for clarity, I had to scroll back up through some stuff)

There is nothing wrong in calling the game not feature complete, I was referring to your sentence that it is subjective.

My point was that while you can argue about the other features that were just assumed to be there, these features are part of the product you bought and therefore can not be dropped; they have to be delivered at a later date. Until then, the game has every right to be called “unfinished”.

It would be another case if these features were part of an expansion pass because the features included in base game would all be present, making the game “finished”.

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Can you elaborate? Mod support is explicitly mentioned on the store page:

Age of Empires IV on Steam (steampowered.com)

Customize Your Game with Mods – Available in Early 2022, play how you want with user generated content tools for custom games.

Well that’s correct but also Everyone knows that Abbasids are the lowest winrate Civ for a lot of reasons and they’re also not playable in team matches games since the game built on landmark victory and they got 2 landmarks? i think this is a BUG!

For example firelancers deletes 2 landmarks in a few seconds while Chinese got 8 landmarks?

Now lets discuss why Abbasids are lowest winrate civ:

1- Their unique units camels are one of the weakest unique units ingame even mongol scout khan is better than them.

2- Unique golden age which buff villagers require -60- buildings close to eachother which is very hard to achieve compared to other civs that gets villager buff without doing anything big as building 60 structurers.

3- Aging up depends on 1 building and all enemies target it so you cant age up when your ONLY landmark is down.

4- aging up with abbasids are slowest compared to all other civs for unknowns reasons?

5- You cannot use or upgrade any of abbasid technologies while aging up cause it’s all in one building?

6- weakest civ in age 2 cause they got no lancers or men at arms compared to other civs?

7- troops can build siege in age 3 like mongols but they cant even repair it?

8- absolutely nothing special in water maps for abbasids while historically they’re one of the strongest civs as most modern science are built on their contributions.

9- if you tried to wall house of wisdom in team matches so enemies don’t snipe you since you’re the weakest civ you lose any chance to get golden age to buff villagers.

10- it’s depressing trying to compare abbasids to any other civs like imaging comparing camels to firelancers or even khan and elephants or chinese 9 landmarks to abbasid 1 landmark.

11- did you just make camels for memes? when someone see them in army or camels raiding he laughs that’s how useless you made this civs.

12- there are so many things you could do to make abbasids decent starting by fixing above ^^.


Can we stop with the apologistic posts? And not just in this thread. It’s time to admit there are things wrong with the game.
Devs were on vacation so it’s reasonable patches weren’t released. That’s fine.
But it’d be nice if they could communicate with the players about changes and features instead of just saying patches are coming. I don’t want fans to lose faith in this current unfinished version of aoe4 and quit over something like bad communication.

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Actually a nice saying. :smiley: I’ll use this. May I ask the original phrase?

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Sure, the original (Dutch) saying is “vertrouwen komt te voet en gaat te paard”. Literally word for word, “trust comes by foot and leaves by horse”.


only if you read description. But who is doing it? If there is a trailer.

For “sales” where no responsibilities lying on customers.
I would be fine with title: Age of empires 4(mods available in 2022)
Other ways to hide “description” is “bad practices”, and customers should not approve it.

Now it’s only mods, tomorrow it will 60$ but on top of that campaigns mission you will be purchased in the ingame store. But devs will say to you “just read description”.

I don’t know why the devs are saying that they have been making their own lists of feedback instead of stating they have read the feedback. I literally made them a list. They should be paying me. Sometimes feels like their product and game designers have insanely big egos, and are no where near as experienced as the player-base is or neutral to improvements. Yes back to Starcraft for me.

Here’s my list

First, it’s not semantics, and of course the game is unfinished. They are patching the game, and they did not lie or falsely advertise in the past about the number of bugs / balance changes they were to address. My original post was to say stop whining, which yall keep doing anyways. If you don’t like me because I said stop whining, and then you proceeded to come up with falsehoods and accusations to try to mob your way out of it, that’s your problem.

This rage post is actually pretty useful feedback for the devs.

What this player is experiencing is pretty common among a large portion of the player base.

Is his view on the facts wrong? Maybe, but his experience of the game and how the Aoe4 team engages with their community is still valid.

Stop arguing about the fixes and patches and bugs and maybe just take a minute to look at what the real issues for the anger are.

You don’t get angry at a game because you’re indifferent.


God, I can’t stand going on this forum anymore - can’t believe how negative people are being - no wonder the devs arent as active on here as people expect them to be. If playing videogames are really causing you guys this much grief, you should probably find a new hobby.

That being said, I am really looking forward to see what they have in store for us with this game - I am having tons of fun with it, but it is always fun to have the meta shaken up a bit.


We are so upset because we are passionate about this game and franchise, trust me it’s anger out of love not hatred.

You can’t tell me that for a AAA $60 full release game, that this game at launch or even right now, is worth that.

There are so many bugs, outlined here and in so many other forum posts, there are so many QOL things and features that we expected because they were in previous versions.

When you go buy a new iteration of a product, you expect it to do everything the old one did and some new things right?

We just did not get that. And now the response feels slow, compounding the feeling of general negativity coming from the community.


A lot of us have played this franchise literally decades, I believe we have the right to point out a broken, bugged, rushed game when we see one


I think this is a matter of perspective.

I work with Microsoft business software in my day to day job. The software we sell/support costs 60$ per user per month, and is the biggest of its kind on the marked. We have had known issues, bugs and missing features for years without a word from Microsoft - this isn’t unheard of, its the business standard - ofc, this is b2b and I understand the standards are different for b2c.

But 60$ is what you pay for a nice meal at a good restaurant that took 20-40 min to prepare by a couple of chefs. Or 40 - 50 cheese burgers from MC Donalds (atleast where I am from)

With aoe4 I have paid 60$ for at least 40 hours of great fun so far, and there is plenty of content yet to enjoy.
I get that players want the game to be even better - I do too - and I fully support constructive criticism, or suggestions as to how the game could be improved.

But people act so insanely entitled. The game at launch, without any changes was easily worth 60$ if you compare it to any other consumer good out there, and you are delusional if you think that the developers owe us more just based on that price - where else in the world can you find this good value/fun ratio outside of gaming? I have bought sheets for my bed that were more expensive than this game.

I get that “worth” is a subjective term, and really only describes what people are willing to pay for something, but reading these forums I just can’t get past how entitled gamers are – and I am incredibly thankful that developers are willing to go above and beyond to deliver and even support these products, despite the very vocal minority that I have to assume are made up predominantly of spoiled children who have never had to pay for anything other than a videogame their entire life.

What thing, other than another videogame, can you buy for 60$ that would be significantly more worth it, than buying this game?

*edit: this became a bit harsher than I meant it to be. My point is simply that gamers seem to have a really warped conception of the value of money when it comes to videogames. We seem to expect that a one-time expense of 60$ will buy us endless hours of fun as well as a perfectly balanced competitive experience + indefinite live support from a team of a 100 people. Meanwhile, most people wouldn’t bat an eye at paying the same price for a nice shirt or pair of shoes, made by a single sweatshop worker.


Used to be new release games were $20, just because something is industry standard doesn’t mean that is how the public should accept it.

Just because smaller developers don’t put as much pressure on larger studios because they literally can’t compete, shouldn’t give the larger studios free reign to make a shoddy product and then update it along the way at the expense of the people giving them money.

B2B and consumer products are world’s apart, although I appreciate the comparison I’m not sure it exactly translates.

I can’t help but feel like your apologist at best for current corporate practices, and ignorant to the damage that they have to all industries, but namely gaming since 2010.

It’s not just Microsoft, we just happen to be talking about an ms game.

This is massively incorrect, so I’d love to see some examples.

Still, it’s worth repeating that there’s nothing wrong with people like yourself thinking the game isn’t value for money. The problem is when you call people “apologists” or the like, for daring to voice their opinion that they do in fact like the game as-is. If you can’t respect the fact that some folks are going to be getting value for money, how can you ever expect respect in return for your position?


Bro how can you like a game that you anticipate for 12 years only to have game breaking exploits and so many bugs I can’t even list them all without having to reference a spreadsheet.

Sure $20 may be an exaggeration but $60 isn’t, the price point isn’t even my point, my point is if it’s marketed as a complete game, it should be a complete game.

And just to clarify, I actually do enjoy a large amount of this game and only hope to provide productive feedback, which I feel like we all have been doing in this thread, this person came to this thread to bash us all for being harsh sure but our suggestions are all reasonable and for the most part agreeable, and to not be upset about some of these things brings into the question the level of unfinished we should accept in products.