⚠ IMPORTANT ⚠ Stuck on AoE:DE Build 27674? Upgrade to the latest client! (Windows Store)

Xbox game bar and Xbox (beta) installed.
Xbox (beta) installation helped for Game Services
If this helps, language: fr-fr
Thanks for your help.

Store, I have tried both the Xbox Beta client and the Store, the game installs fine, it shows up in the WindowsApp folder for each drive I have installed it on, I have a 1tb SSD that I wiped and installed it to just to make sure that the space reqs were ok

I noticed that both you guys (@Danicela too) are using the French Windows 10, so this problem maybe is related to your version and location. I use en-uk with Dutch lp’s added and configured as default. Maybe adding en-uk or en-us or at least the US or US international keyboard layout settings help. I actually only use US international keyboard layout.

Also I could share a powershell script that checks all packages and dependencies and counts the missing dependencies.

Good try, but already done. have fr-fr & us keyboard installed. :slight_smile:
Thanks again.

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Could you run this in PowerShell ISE?

#Get-AppxPackage *darwinbeta*
$c = @()
$c += Get-AppxPackage *darwin*
$c += Get-AppxPackage *store*
$c += Get-AppxPackage *xbox*
$c | Select Name, Version, Status | Ft
Write-Host "Filtered packages count: $($c.Count)"

$d = @()
$f = @()
ForEach ($a In $c) {
    ForEach ($d In $a.Dependencies) {
        If (-Not $f.Contains($d.Name)) {
            $f += $d.Name

Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Required dependencies count: $($f.Count)"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "List of required dependencies: "

$g = @()
$h = @()
$i = @()
ForEach ($e In $f) {
    $a = Get-AppxPackage $e -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($a) { $g += $a; $i += $e } Else { $h += $e }
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Total required dependecies packages (all platforms): $($g.Count)"
Write-Output "Missing dependencies packages count: $($h.Count)"
Write-Output "Unique dependecies packages count: $($i.Count)"
1 Like

And post back the results. :slight_smile:

The magic numbers should be 35, 0 and 22 on Windows 64 bit.

My result:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> pcsCheckDependenciesFiltered.ps1

Name                                Version          Status
----                                -------          ------
Microsoft.Darwin                    100.1.27805.0        Ok
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0         Ok
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0         Ok
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp          11906.1001.16.0      Ok
Microsoft.ConnectivityStore         1.1604.4.0           Ok
Microsoft.WindowsStore              11906.1001.24.0      Ok
Microsoft.XboxIdentity              100.1906.4002.0      Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI        1000.18362.267.0     Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay           1.43.26001.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay   1.21.13002.0         Ok
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI                 1.24.10001.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider      12.54.26001.0        Ok
Microsoft.XboxAppBeta               44.55.30001.0        Ok
Microsoft.XboxApp                   48.55.30001.0        Ok
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay         3.32.14002.0         Ok

Filtered packages count: 15

Required dependencies count: 22

List of required dependencies: 

Total required dependecies packages (all platforms): 35
Missing dependencies packages count: 0
Unique dependecies packages count: 22

My results:

Name Version Status

Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0 Ok
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0 Ok
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp 11906.1001.16.0 Ok
Microsoft.WindowsStore 11906.1001.24.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay 1.21.13002.0 Ok
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI 1.24.10001.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider 12.54.26001.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay 1.43.26001.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxApp 48.55.30001.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay 3.32.1003.0 Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI 1000.18362.267.0 Ok

Filtered packages count: 11
Required dependencies count: 16

List of required dependencies:


Total required dependecies packages (all platforms): 24
Missing dependencies packages count: 0
Unique dependecies packages count: 16

Mine is working fine and here my result if it help you somehow. (since i don’t have same “magic numbers”)

Name                                Version          Status
----                                -------          ------
Microsoft.Darwin                    100.1.27805.0        Ok
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0         Ok
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement 10.0.19011.0         Ok
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp          11906.1001.16.0      Ok
Microsoft.WindowsStore              11906.1001.24.0      Ok
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI                 1.24.10001.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay   1.21.13002.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay           1.43.26001.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay         3.32.14002.0         Ok
Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI        1000.18362.267.0     Ok
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider      12.54.26001.0        Ok
Microsoft.XboxApp                   48.55.30001.0        Ok

Filtered packages count: 12

Required dependencies count: 17

List of required dependencies: 

Total required dependecies packages (all platforms): 27
Missing dependencies packages count: 0
Unique dependecies packages count: 17
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That is very helpful indeed. Thank you. I notice that your Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay is same version like I have, but @GregAlexandre01 is running an older version.

Well, the magic numbers do differ some (as expected with store in filter. At least we can compare some things. I expect that they will fix numerous things the coming days. They’ll get bug reports from MS store and application for sure.

I don’t have problems either. Both versions run fine. I’m just curious about why people on 1903 aren’t able to get in running.

Yes, I also noticed this difference. But I have no idea how I can upgrade this “overlay”.

Just check for updates in MS store below … icon next to your profile picture.
But in your case the Darwin package isn’t installed at all, so it’s missing from the list and is probably the reason why that package isn’t installed (yet).

Are you signed in with MS account as added user account or through local administrator account? That 0x8000FFFF is really hard to troubleshoot.

Could you also post a screenshot of your MS store update history?

Also I’ve read somewhere they have some issues on releasing the latest build of AOE DE to MS store, so maybe installation of current version is on hold until new version is ready.

Release notes here:

I’m still on 27805 with the cross play release version.

date format is: dd/mm/aaaa

& “hier” = yesterday!

And also your AOE DE got updated correctly a few days ago.

So the only problem you have is installing that new Age of Empires DE cross play client and the specific store error when you try to install?

You also have tried to reset your MS store cache using the wsreset command?

Maybe @GMEvangelos can help with some tips.

Just to get caught up: the issue is that you cannot find and download the new Age of Empires: Definitive Edition client, or that it is not launching properly?

If you need to find the game, try following this link to the Store page: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9njwtjsvgvlj

If you are having trouble launching the game, try the following:

If all else fails, there may be some other issue with the Store that requires additional troubleshooting help. If that is the case, I’d recommend reaching out the Microsoft Support team for assistance, since a 0x memory code is likely to fall more in their arena.

If you’re experiencing some other issue, please feel free to catch me up with where we’re at in the discussion and I’ll see what I can do! =D

Good luck!

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The problem i am getting is that i cant install the new client.
I am running the 1903 build.
I uninstalled the old version, but there is no “get” or anything

Funny how the install button is disabled for you, but enabled for me but I cannot download it either.

In the top right of your screen hit the “…” button, then in the menu choose “downloads and updates”, in the left library make sure you see everything, install the game.

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It almost looks like you are not signed in to the MS store or don’t have a profile picture set at your MS account?

Actually I can see on top that it is trying to download the game.

You might want to cancel that effort, sign out and sign in to the MS store or perform wsreset and then reboot, after that get all other MS store updates first and then try to reinstall the new AOE DE client again by searching for it in the store.