Inca team Bonus

What?! I liked the suggestion so I shared it, yeah I copied the post. Think of it, making the farm upgrades add the food instantly after even building the farm is the best exchange for Incas team bonus.

you happen to show up the day after he was banned, with his posting mannerisms, agreeing with his posts. yeah. enough said.

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11 who cares about who is who?! The suggestion make sense. The problem is that now Incas are in top 5 winrates in +1650 ElO maybe they need a nerf actually 11.

ban evasion isn’t a good thing.


Looks like you’ve been suspicious of someone else, I am new here.

This discussion is not about buffing Incas. It’s about changing them in a meaningful way that gives them back some flair and appeal.

People have been complaining for a long time that the Incan teambonus sometimes messes up their timing with researching horse collar (meaning building the farm is being completed before the upgrade comes in because they forgot they had an Inca teammate…)
That is not fun.

I still think think their castle age tech should become their teambonus and “Couriers” should return in a weaker version as the castle age tech. I believe that would please everyone.


From this statement it sounds like tower rush was way weaker then some thought and by making it less viable you now have people using the civ more effectively.

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There are more:

  • Slavs
  • Aztecs
  • Malians, Bulgarians
  • Goths, Britons, Huns, Celts

And for Incas as Team Bonus:

  • Give them TB: AR Units dont have minimum range - their current UT
  • Replace their Castle UT with Celtic Stronghold UT - this isnt bad tech, but it doesnt fit Celts at all, but can fit Incas very nicely, as they can play focused on Defensive Buildings.
  • Give Celts something new, more in line with their gamestyle.

2x2 farms can be good, but not as TB, this would be too strong.
I like idea of Infantry getting +2 vs Archers, but this can be too good either in some combinations: Mayan Eagles? Karambits? Malian Infantry? Huscarls? Berserkers? Condos? Imagine Malian+Italian+Goth+Inca and Malian Condoscarl.


I have nightmares every night about this

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I have never seen those tbh

In those nightmares, do you have but a simple Bow and Arrow, while an encircling wave of Huskarls ands Malian Champs slowly closes in, with no regard for you skillful shots?

With a one HP, no loom villager building a 90%-finished castle behind the archer.

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@soyunidolo , as mastermind behind this post:
What do you think are the 3 best suggestions so far?

I think I like the “Eagle Buff” ideas the least. It’s useless with non meso civs and buffs Aztecs and Mayan allies even though those civs are already pretty strong but balanced and not in need of a buff…

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Aztecs are trash in TG, and Mayans are better of making arbs or plumes since cav is much better than eagles in TG. Which is a pretty good reason in itself to not bother with an eagle TB 11

Some of these are copies of other civs bonuses, useless, or downright OP

I don’t see this as useful, I hardly ever see stone walls in pro games

I don’t understand this, do you see all 8 sheep for a player at start of match or do you see them once the player finds them?

Again, pretty useless imho

How much?

OP, combined with masonry/architecture/hoardings that’s a 61% hp increase, or with a Byzantine ally, 80% increase

Sounds like the new meme tower rush strat

OP imo

Actually, I did that suggestion my self some time ago for incas/sicilians. It is not hard sharing the same opinion without being the same person.

I also suggested +2LOS for militia or infantry, btw.

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frankly I am so discontent with the current bonus a lot of the ones on the table I am in favour. Like you say, I think the eagle buffs are some of the most convinicing.

The ideas that give couriers, slingers, or eagles as team bonuses I think go beyond what a team bonus should be as all three (tech and units) are strong enough on their own.

I am honestly glad that there are people agree with changing it. I remember Spirit of the Law analyzing this bonus and just laughing, and that was years before DE even came out. I think it’s time we buff the inca team bonus

The post mentioned that all the team players see their own sheep.

How much you want?

I agree

I would say 5% or 10% is good enough

Let’s solve their recently nerfed tower bonus and provide a solid team bonus:

Team bonus- Villagers have +1 attack beginning in Feudal age.

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