
They just need to revert Inca to what it was. Now Inca is insane on supremacy and quite weak in the treaty.


I wanna keep the mirco-able bolas though

They were a low b tier at most before the patch, definitely below most civs, before they’re eco was slow to get started with no villager shipments, only ever saw them doing the native rush with most on food and spamming 600w repeatedly.

Ye bolas are just a weird unit, hard to make it worth the cost without also enabling some arguable mechanic such as range snare. I guess if they didn’t have the setup animation then there would be no need for the snare.
Anyway I agree Inca power level didn’t change too much, they can be played in the exact same way as before and the time timemarks are about the same.
The net gain comes from the kallanka shipment in age2. It’s not about sending it early but rather not having to age up while doing the traditional house boom. And because of huaracas which deal well vs siege they can even stretch the boom to include the 2nd TC card and go for max greed.