Info and Screenshoots from Freyr God Packs

Welcome to the Freyr God Pack, a new type of expansion for Age of Mythology: Retold. Challenge friends with a new Major God, Freyr, and three new Minor Gods: Ullr, Aegir, and Vidar, and leap into battle with their new god powers, myth units, and technologies! Battle your way across the frozen North in an exclusive mythical battle scenario, crushing your opponents with the wrathful power of your new gods!

4 New Gods
Freyr - The Norse major god of fertility and kingship, Freyr’s focus is defensive and technological rather than aggressive. Freyr’s god power is Gullinbursti, which temporarily summons Freyr’s magical giant golden boar to defend a Town Center.

Ullr - The Classical Age Norse god of oaths and archery, Ullr improves your defenses and Longhouse units. Ullr’s god power, Asgardian Bastion, allows you to erect a powerful Hill Fort-like fortification one age earlier than usual. His myth unit is the Draugr, an undead archer whose arrows penetrate multiple targets.

Aegir - The Heroic Age Norse god of the sea and storms, Aegir boosts your myth units and siege weapons. Aegir’s god power, Tempest, calls down a vicious hailstorm that damages and greatly slows down enemy units. His myth unit is the Rock Giant, a towering personification of stone who crushes and even devours buildings.

Vidar - The Mythic Age Norse god of vengeance and resilience, Vidar favors your human soldiers and heroes. Vidar’s god power, Inferno, unleashes a fiery path of destruction that incinerates all in its path. His myth unit is Fafnir, the infamous wingless dragon of Norse legend, who envelops enemies in fire and poisonous fumes.

1 New, Fully Voiced Mythical Battle
Reginleif’s Rally — As his plans in Egypt unravel, Gargarensis travels north and rallies the giant clans to attack the Norse of Alfheim. Surrounded on all sides, the beleaguered Norsemen make a final stand and prepare to die valiantly when the Valkyrie Reginleif suddenly arrives to lead the defense. Will she inspire these hardy people to an unlikely victory, or will Freyr’s realm fall to the ravages of frost and flame? In this mission, you will worship the god Freyr.

Source: Buy Age Of Mythology: Retold - Freyr God Pack | Xbox





I was uncertain at first about this pack but not anymore. I’m sure more are planned, it’s a great way to add more content to the game while keeping things fresh for veterans.

And I had no idea we’re getting mythical battles too! sweet.


hype!!! only 7 days more!!!



I wonder what bonuses Freyr will have and what technologies the new minor gods have.

Defensive focused Norse sounds interesting but how does that work? They are missing so many defensive upgrades.

Great news! I hope this will appease those who thought this pack was a “pay to win” or “false advertisement” lmao.

I love the new myth units and god powers, especially fafnir!

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So looks like Fryer will be a defensive god with god power to summon golden boar for town defense and with Ullr a god power that erects a hill fort as well as a ranged myth unit that becomes unlocked. That hill fort god power can also be used for offense so I can see people complaining about it.

The store page for the legacy god portraits is also up: Buy Age Of Mythology: Retold - Legacy Deity Portraits | Xbox

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That’ll unit alone will probably be 50% of the reason why people buy that DLC.

I wonder if it will have any limitations.
How useful will that be after you reach Heroic Age? Now we can recast all god powers so new god powers will be designed with that in mind.

Citadel is obviously limited to TCs but can you just put that thing up in the middle of the enemy base?

Hm. I personally am positive but not really that surprised. Really don’t now why so many thought it was just a minor god and partly pessimistic.
I like the looks especially of Fafnir and I really hoped we would get Vidar. How they implanted Freyrs boar is a really cool idea which sounds very strong in my opinion.Have to think about the rest tho. Hoped to see light or dark elves personally. And I hoped there would be one female minor god like sif or frigg but all in all this looks pretty great and I curious about the god powers and the mission. Very positive for the future of AoMRetold


Good point. I assume it’s a defensive fort which can only be placed in a fix area around a TC

A lot of people thought it was a Major god that only has 1 new Minor god.

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A lot of ppl assume many things in this regard but the obvious.

Hm if they take Skadi as 2. Heroic god Skadi would be overrepresented. If it’s Njord it will be weird too cause he also is god of storm and sea isn’t he? really wonder they they didn’t took Sif or Frigg but whatever I guess. Happy to see vidar.

I am loving this! Now I hope that they give us new major gods for the other pantheons too down the line and keep the game up and refreshing :slight_smile:

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Indeed they are, my Xbox installed the game alongside the those packs sometime ago today. So I suppose they pushed everything server side now. Let’s see when Steam updates.

I’m totally in favour of Skadi, but I’m slightly biased.
Also her god power is somewhat similar to Tempest.

So they can sell a Frigg god pack next year.


“Leaked” a bit of a stretch there drongo isn’t it? hehe Good video from him though, excited to see all the changes coming with Freyr makes the price of the pack worthwhile.

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