Info and Screenshoots from Freyr God Packs

AOE3 has some DLC exclusive native units on DLC exclusive maps. They can be accessed by non-DLC civs in limited amount if you don’t have the DLC.

But this model does not really work in AOM. So I don’t know.

I think it opens up the possibility for more major gods that will introduce just one more minor god and combine it with the other new and old ones with different combinations.
Having just one minor god that is different from OG and otherwise pretty much the same combination as the OG gods is too little of a difference.

The old system was created for 3 gods, so they are unique, but everything beyond 3 will have lots of redundancy.

Yes I always dislike designs that are too hard-coded for a limited scope and restrict further expansions.

As a more radical approach, what about expanding all minor god options each age to 3?
New minor gods need to be added for sure. Some could be free. Some could be DLC exclusive.

Each minor god choice could be added as a third option for each god like for example Thor has 3 options in Classical age, Odin has 3 options in Heroic age, Loki has 3 options in Mythic Age. If a new Norse God pack is introduced then new minor gods from that could fill in the other gaps and so on.

Xbox @ gamescom 2024 | Day 1 (

Time: 2:53:00

a look at the God Pack gameplay


Lovely, thanks for that. Interesting. Can’t wait to play this mission. I do wonder if Folstag is going to appear as a character from the Titans expansion or won’t be present in that mission. (I also hope that the character will appear in the first mission of the Golden Gift campaign and not just some random ice giant pretending to be Folstag)

I agree dlc should be mixed with the main game. I mean why not make it like this:
For single player mix the dlc with the main game. For ranked only if the opponent has the dlc. And for multiplayer well I doubt it’s an issue if you play freyr and the others ones don’t have it.

Thank you. :slight_smile: But no vidar and fafnir :frowning:

I think less is more in this situation. If each major god has too many options they would all be too similar.

And dlc minor gods (as in you can pick them only if you payed) is a big no no for me


Fafnir leaves gold on death?
Can the enemy collect that? Sounds pretty interesting.

There was one new button on the TC. Is that Freya unique feature?


There is an optional objective to defeat Folstag in the objectives panel, so it is pretty safe to assume he does in fact appear. :slight_smile:

For comparison, Loki’s wonder is an oversized longboat. It could still be scenario-only, but I suspect it will be Freyr’s wonder.

Even if he appears as a faction, that does not guarantee that he’ll appear as a character (similar to the Golden Gift campaign, where he has voice lines and a faction in the first mission, but doesn’t appear personally).

Wow, I love Vikings!

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He looks busted! But its always better op tham up with new stuff imo. Otherwise we won’t see them in game that much

His bonuses are actually not that strong.
+150% research time sounds really annoying, you will have to build so many extra buildings for that. Also some technologies like Fortified Town Centre will take away a lot of villager training time.

Repairing being free and available to workers is nice, but Norse still don’t have any good defensive buildings.
+10% attack for Hill Fort is really not much.

The unique Minor gods seems strong though but we will have to see.

Oh boy they really hired real artists to create real new god portraits to replace the AI portraits from the beta. That’s actually awesome (sorry for the off topic, but it was my first thought seeing the yt video above)

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I noticed that too. Gotta look at them again closer.
Maybe I have to update my profile picture again.

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New God arts? Where can I find?