Ingame voting

you know DE is out in 2019 right?
And there is a 1999 version and 2013 version yes?
You know Arabia has been fixed countless times?
You know when DE is out what the first map pool is?

Nothing controversial?
Ban all the map discussion threads and burn all the heretic then.

I didn’t want to respond but this “nothing controversial” really annoyed me.
Stop replying or quotingmy message. :face_vomiting:

The exposed and too closed terrian make it too special and give more limitations than other maps especially we already have many other fine closed and hybrid maps which areappearly more regular, like oasis, mongolia, yucatan, rivers, mediterean…etc. Why people insist that BF should be pernamently in the pool and now even add it in the 1v1?

These other maps aren’t really similar to Black Forest. Black Forest is explored and has just 1-2 choke points, that you know from the beginning. Yucatan has like 10 choke points that you have to explore, has straggler trees everywhere that block your buildings. Onager cuts are only on Black Forest a big strategic factor. There is also no other map where some ressources/relics are only reachable with onager cuts. Its unique and fun. Most comparable is Michi probably, but Black Forest is somewhat more interessting I think. But they can add Michi to the voting pool too imo like for team games.

Appeartly it’s the development team’s policy: Most AoE2’s players like the old way and don’t won’t to change. So the devs decide to keep AoE2 what it was and bring the changes to the other games of the franchise.

Makes perfectly sense. People who play Aoe2 want to play Aoe2. No surprise.

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Alright, I did not quote you message hopefully it will not make you unhappy.
Honestly I did not know the release time of AOE 2 / AOE 2 DE without doing research and I think it does not matter. I assume the maps like arabia, bf, arena were all in the pool at the very beginning ?

Nomad is what I want to talk about. Was it in the first map pool ? Why do people want to play RNG based game? Unlike Arabia, they can balance the distance between resources to TC for each player. On nomad, can they equalize the distance of resources to each villager ? It would be 100 to 200 wood advantage over others if a player can get a perfect spot early with gold, stone and wood.
They nerfed Chinese and Mayan civ bonus, but left Persian, Malian, Lithuanian alone. I really think 1 early fishing ship is a bigger advantage than 2 more villager without dock.
The treaty is something makes no sense, I can’t even compete for spots now. I gotta stay away from the player who dropped TC first because I can’t do anything to him even if his spot is better. On any other map, players can fight with villagers after they saw incoming lame, resource wall, etc.

Nomad maps have some features:

  • No scout and no rough knowledge about the opponent starting position delays scouting.
  • You can choose the starting position (corner vs. center).
  • Equal ressource distribution all over the map, makes rebooming and expansion better.
  • Overall higher ressources.

all these are acceptable features, however, the issues I mentioned previously need to be addressed in order to make Nomad a competitive map on ranked games.
I think the reveal map should be explored at the beginning. It will solve the RNG issue just in case a player find a perfect spot that will lead to 100 to 200 wood advantage over others.
Temporarily remove all civ bonus till TC is up, otherwise there is no point to nerf Chinese and Mayan.
Remove treaty. It will be a fair fight without civ bonus. I don’t see anything wrong here, players should be able to fight whenever they want.

I think it’s less RNG than something like black forest or michi were I can’t scout my opponent at all.
in the end it isn’t that random anyway, there are resources everywhere, it’s super rare that you are completely without resources.

yeah, you can choose to look for such a spot or decided to drop the TC instantly, it’s a strategic choice.

not really. you will catch up in fishing ships as one usually doesn’t make more than 4 or 5. also fish decreases in efficiency pretty quickly. (also i think you can add spanish to the list, as they effectively start with an extra vil as well)

treaty ends when both TCs are up, so you can’t wall resources any easier. vils fighting before TCs are up was banned in basically all Nomad tournaments. I once had a game where my opponent attacked me with vils while building my TC. i managed to win the vil war and he resigned. this is pretty RNG and the victory felt quite hollow, I’m glad this is prevented

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Michi is a troll map I ignored it already. I think you can’t scout on arena either.

Not really, what if a lucky player got a villager beside stone, gold and wood ? I don’t think player should have such advantage on a competitive map.

This is true and the civ bonus on Nomad need to be addressed.

Treaty is not totally unacceptable under certain conditions. Some tournaments can have specific rules which is understandable. I don’t care about the balance of tournaments too much because I am not playing there. I will just watch it for fun.
I can see the purpose of treaty on Nomad, it means to prevent player from villager fight and compete for spot.
I can still argue that what if both players chose the same good spot. The player claimed spot first will have advantage over the other. It takes time to find another good spot due to the map is unexplored or the other player gotta drop his TC at a worse spot. It is not much differ than win/lose a villager fight. At least having treaty could not nail down a fair play at the beginning.
Nomad can be a good competitive map but it really should not have so many RNG issues. As I mentioned in previous posts, having civ bonus temporally removed and reveal the map can partially solve the issues.

its still a remaster of an 1999 game, so equaling it to brand new won’t work, and yes i’m aware of og and HD, played both, seen all arabia fixes, many imo were needed (gold and stone getting spawned in forests), some not as much, also i’m lobby player almost exclusively, only briefly tried ranked, and here’s my opinion on map votes, i try my best to adjust to whatever map is in rotation, but in fairness, i prefer aoe3 system in this regard, there you have a preset selection of competitive maps, so you never get any too out there maps into map pool
also i could care less about how high i get on the ladder, as i never liked tryharding, doesn’t mean i suck, anything but, but it isn’t something i’d be willing to go after people for, just my opinion
only replying so you know where i’m coming from with this

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