Cho-Ko-Nu and Chinese crossbow bearers have the same shape and action, which is difficult to distinguish.
The two belong to units with completely different functions in the game.
It is suggested to change the appearance of one of them to show distinction.
By the way,I noticed that the aoe4 archer’s weapon has both eastern and Western appearance, but the crossbow is a unified western style crossbow. It would be better if the crossbow could distinguish the eastern and Western styles like a bow.
Thank you for your attention and feedback to the game! All comments that you leave on the forum do not remain without our attention. Please share your ideas with us about how to make the game better.
That’s a really random post tbh seeing as there are tons of ideas left and right on these forums and they rarely get any “official” acknowledgement, but thanks for the info, it is appreciated!
Please distinguish Zhuge crossbow and ordinary Chinese crossbow from the appearance of armor. If conditions permit, it is best to make two styles of Oriental crossbow and Western crossbow, just like ordinary Archer.
The level of detail and choosing which units to add detail too makes AOE II far more superior in the artistic and clarity department.
Speciality units looked like a massively Royal upgrade that really showed off the classes and culture of each civ.
The average units looked exactly that, average units. Except in the imperial when you’d have halberdiers, paladins, champions and hussars which looked like beautiful, tanky and advanced units.
AOE IV the advanced units look like every other unit.
While the units themselves show culture of their respective civs, mainly in infantry, there’s Manila difference between all which is the biggest pet down in the whole game
would love to hear from the devs, what kind of logic they used:
two completely different types of camels look exactly the same for what reason?
everyone is completely saturated in player colour so each unit completely loses their identity in a blue or red blob of “some units”
yet siege weapons cant have crew because of readability?
like wtf logic is this?
im really looking forward to release, but this is still a huge candy crush flaw…
starcraft showed us you dont have to completely saturate a model with player colour to allow the most basic player to tell their units from the enemey’s… so why did aoe4 go the way of an indi game?