Italians Unique Units

Condos are pretty common on arena for instance. The reason here is that you usually start producing a lot of army when transitioning to imp. On open maps mostly you upgrade existing units from castle age which is why condos aren’t that common here. Also you see condos quite frequently on hybrid maps.

pretty much that. it’s not that a unit jumps from “very niche” to “OP” in the span of a +1PA or attack buff…

I’m not saying either that they should get +1PA or +1 atk…

Condos aren’t that bad, they may need some tuning, but not super straight forward buffs…

well no, i agre that they are not that bad, my point was just that a buff like that would not make them OP. then i can agree that buffs can go in other directions as well, tuning and tweaking other part of the unit