It's Mexico

I thought the next civ would be morocco so I’d still expect morocco to be next to make it 3 african civs.
If not Morocco then likely Italy.


Es posible que a continuación agreguen 2 civilizaciones antes de agregar una civ individual (Quizás Italia y Marruecos)

Espero que tengas suerte :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

PD: Italia ¿Qué revoluciones tendría?


Argentina??:joy: maybe a better option than Germans

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What the problem with Argentina? They are almost as good as Mexico or Colombia, with them liberating Chile and fighting off the British multiple times


(Relleno para poder publicar el comentario)
Si, es raro que argentina sea una revolucion para Alemania, Italia tendría mas sentido que los alemanes

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Dejemos de quejarnos y veamos lo bueno que es abrumador en comparación con lo “malo”.

Este jugador de SC-2 se impresiono al conocer AOE-3. Incluso le pareció mejor que el AOE-4 gráficamente.
Le encantaron las haciendas mexicanas. Si el juego le gusta, ganaremos un gran streaming.

(Míralo a partir del minuto 25 hasta 35).

En español esta ves, pero bueno. Esto tiene traductor.


I really hope that the developers will remove the US and Mexico from the Revolution’s list of options - it creates chaos and disorder. After all, the larger post-colonial powers of the civs may become civs themselves, which will have their own unique revolutions (such as the civ Mexicans).

Potential New Revolution Options:

  • Australia - replacing the US Revolution
  • Philippines - replacing the Mexico Revolution

If Argentines, Brazilians, and Gran Colombia became the new American postcolonial power civs:

  • Mutapa - replacing the Argentina Revolution
  • New Zealand - replacing the Brazil Revolution
  • French Indochina - replacing the Gran Colombia Revolution

Mexico has units with Sombreo hats?

Man this is HUGE. Microsoft has to capitalize on this and go crazy with the marketing like now!!!


probably outlaws skinned as ZZ Top

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go back and make europe civs unique and not just carbon copies thanks


Greece and Libia, or Somalia and Eritrea. Just a couple of ideas…


The problem is people complaining about the US and Mexico are using logic that plenty of other civs already break like Aztecs, Incas, Haudenosaunee, or Lakota, none of these were imperial powers, Aztecs and Incas were non-existent for a majority of this time period. And the fact that AoE3 never was historically accurate so trying to form logic around historical accuracy is just pointless. The forum should just admit it has a Eurocentric bias and move on. The revolution mechanic still works, US and Mexico as stand alone dont break it at all.


The Aztecs, Incas and Hauds all had their own empires. When the Haudenosaunee nearly wiped out the Huron in 1649 they almost immediately sent in their own guys to settle on former Huron territory to consolidate their territorial gains.

“US and Mexico existing at the exploration age or other civs revolting into another in-game civ is not historically accurate .”

In the meantime:
“Noooooooooo how dare they remove mining and magical dancing from north American natives.”


Right but they were not a colonial empire. So if we are willing to bend that term for the Hadenosaunee than US settlers did the same exact thing before they even were the United States officially and after.

My point is people in this forum love to bend the “history” to fit their narrative. That’s all this forum does.

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Of course, in fact they can make a European dlc with Italy and Poland for the boreal summer of 2022 for example and then apart from putting Brazil at the end of the year for example…

I would exchange Mexico for Dominican Republic (it became independent from Spain in 1868)…